5. Pressurize the DRD−/DRE−...−O and check whether the connected process valve
reaches both of the desired end positions.
6. Mount the protective caps aA again.
Dismantling and repairs
When the connection screws are loosened, the DRD/DRE may switch in an
uncontrolled manner.
S Vent the DRD/DRE before starting any dismantling work.
Danger of injury from uncontrolled motions.
S Depressurize the tubing system pressureless before dismantling.
1. If necessary, remove any existing limit switches.
2. Remove the solenoid valve.
3. Loosen the screws on the flange of the process valve.
4. Remove the quarter turn actuator (if necessary together with the mounting
bridge and coupling) from the process valve.
5. Send the device to Festo for repairs.
Festo DRD/DRE 0703a English