Printer (serial) port: 8-pin connector jack
CD-ROM drive
2 Connect the PT-2400/2410 to the computer's printer port and turn on both the PT-
2400/2410 and the computer.
3 Insert the P-touch Editor CD-ROM into the computer's CD-ROM drive and double-click
the CD-ROM icon.
The installers for the P-touch Editor program and the User's Guide can also be cop-
ied from the CD-ROM onto floppy disks. Refer to the Readme file for more details.
4 Open the PT-2400/2410 folder, and then
double-click the P-touch Editor 3.0 Installer
5 Click either the Install button to install all
options or the Custom Install button to select
which options to install.
If you clicked the Custom Install but-
ton, the dialog box at the right is dis-
played. After selecting the desired
options, click the Install button to
install the selected options.
6 In the dialog box that appears when installation is completed, click the Quit button.
7 In the next dialog box that has appeared, click the Restart button.