O s a k a 3 P
Verti cal multi -deck & Semi-verti cal
Liability of the
The customer is responsible for:
• verifying the qualifi cati on and mental or physical state of the professionals
Customer or
• making sure that they read and comply with the manual
• making sure that they use the PPE required.
• training and informing the personnel in charge of transporti ng, installing,
• provide the most suitable communicati on tools to avoid risks and dangers for
Any other use or modifi cati on that is not indicated in this manual or not authorised by ARNEG
S.p.A. is dangerous, will void the terms of the warranty and invalidate the declarati on of con-
formity provided by Machinery Directi ve 2006/42/EC.
4. 1 For the counter
• the refrigerated cabinet preserves the tem-
perature of goods, it does not reduce it
• use the counters only indoors
• the cabinets are designed to preserve/display
only fresh foodstuff , frozen, both cooked and
pre-cooked (hot meals)
• operati ons inside the electrical panel are re-
served to qualifi ed staff only
4. 2 For the goods
• introduce the goods already cooled at the
temperature that complies with the cooling
• check at least twice a day, weekend included,
that the temperature of the cabinet and the
goods is maintained
• load the counter so that the goods from a
longer ti me is sold before the newly received
goods (stock rotati on)
• load the counter in order observing capacity
limitati ons
• use containers suitable for preserving the
• regularly check the operati on of automati c de-
froster (frequency, durati on, air temperature,
restorati on of normal operati on etc.)
3 6
assigned to use and service the counter.
servicing, cleaning, etc. according to the instructi ons given, each according
to their own qualifi cati ons in compliance with the regulati ons in force in the
country where the counter is installed.
the user.
Prohibiti ons
DO NOT remove protecti ons or panels that re-
quire the use of tools in order to be removed
DO NOT remove the cover of the electrical panel
DO NOT obstruct the air inlet/outlet passages
DO NOT use electrical appliances inside the cab-
inet to store the goods
DO NOT use devices to accelerate thawing.
DO NOT apply thick and insulati ng adhesives on
the walls of the cabinet.
Prohibiti ons
DANGER!: fl ammable propellant. Ex-
p l o s i o n .
DO NOT introduce spray aerosols
WARNING!: caving in/breaking.
slipping/crashing goods, injury.
DO NOT store beverages on glass shelves.
High temperatures. Overheati ng of the
DO NOT use spotlights with incandes-
cence lamps aimed on the cabinet.
DO NOT introduce:
- heated products
- drugs
- fi shing bait
DO NOT overload the counter
DO NOT not place goods on cabinet's roof
05060184 01 25-11-2019