Test the Remote Trainer
We recommend you experience first-hand how the PetSafe
Remote Vibration Trainer functions. Always begin at the lowest level
and increase the intensity up to your personal comfort level.
1. Place your fingers on both Vibration Points of the Receiver Collar.
2. Hold the Transmitter approximately 0.6 m from the Receiver and
position the Level Select Switch to 1. Press the Top Button (light
blue). At this level you may not feel the quick on/off Vibration
Stimulation followed by the controlled Vibration Stimulation while
holding the button down.
3. Increase the intensity until the sensation begins to feel uncomfortable.
Note: When set to Level 0, the LEDs on the Receiver Collar will
light up but no Stimulation will be delivered.
Find the Best Vibration
Stimulation Level for Your Pet
Important: Always start at the lowest level and work your way up.
The PetSafe
VT-800 Remote Vibration Trainer gives the dog quick
on/off Vibration Stimulation. The controlled Vibration Stimulation
continues only if you determine it is necessary to hold down the
Transmitter's Top Button (light blue).
Once you have placed the Receiver Collar on your pet, it is time to
find the Vibration Stimulation Level that is best for him. This is called
the Recognition Level.