Caption - DT.4399-1 and DTI
Caption - DT.4399-1 + DT.4399-2 and DTI
Checking Timing
Locate pump service port and remove the blanking plug.
Unscrew plunger end off the DTI and screw in its place DT.3021-4 (long) or DT.3022-4 (short) Indicator Pin, whichever is appropriate to the timing adaptor being used, (short or exten-
Ensure the Indicator Pin threads fully up to its shoulders into the DTI,
Insert the dial test indicator into the timing adaptor and screw on M10 or M12 Thread Adaptor if necessary. Screw this assembly into the service port of the pump.
IMPORTANT: To ensure that the timing tool indicator pin can remain in constant contact with the injection pump plunger, pre-load the indicator gauge with suffi cient pre-load to cover
the full travel of the pump plunger, plus 1mm. The pre-load is shown on the minor scale of the indicator gauge.
Secure the Gauge in Adaptor by clamping with Thumbscrew.
Turn the engine against the normal direction of rotation until the dial indicator needle reaches its lowest reading.
Re-adjust the indicator gauge to ensure it has at least 1mm. of pre-load and then zero the dial indicator gauge.
Turn the engine in the normal direction of rotation to the static timing point and compare the dial test indicator reading against the manufacturer's timing data, allowing for the pre-load
on the minor scale.
If timing needs adjusting, turn the pump until dial indicator reading corresponds to fi gure stated by the manufacturer. Remember to allow for the 1mm. pre-load on the minor scale.
Section 2:
CAV/ROTODIESEL DPC Rotary Injection Pump Timing (Top Entry)
The tools for CAV/RotoDiesel pump timing are mounted on the Top Entry service port of the pump and
allow the DT.3054-10 Dial Test Indicator Gauge (DTI) to be fi tted to determine the position of the pump
plunger and establish the static timing position of the pump.
Checking timing
Set the engine to TDC on No.1 cylinder using the timing marks.
Remove cap from entry port, and insert pin DT.3168-3 into port
Unscrew plunger end off DT.3054-10 Dial Test Indicator and screw in its place Indicator Foot DT.3168-4.
Ensure the foot threads fully up to its shoulders into the DTI.