If a leak is detected the following message appears with also the
current vacuum value. Verify connection to system and/or components.
L e a k a g e !
t o
Press Stop to cancel and quit the program for fixing a major problem
(Important leak). Or press Enter to continue if you could solve
immediately the issue. (Tightness of one connection).
If no leakage has been detected, the refrigerant flushing phase is starting.
The refrigerant flows into the system, and arrives inside the flushing canister.
The Display shows:
F l u s h i n g
A / C
s y s t e m
F i l l i n g
Q u a n t i t y
When flushing phase is completed, the system and or components are
full of liquid refrigerant. The canister contains the contaminated refrigerant.
Now the refrigerant recovery is automatically starting, in order to empty
the system and the flushing canister. This process can last several minutes.
The Display shows:
F l u s h i n g
P r e s s u r e
Q u a n t i t y
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
When recovery is completed, the unit performs a pressure test, in order
to verify if there is residual refrigerant trapped in the system and / or
the canister due to icing. Any sudden pressure increase will re-activate
the recovery, until system is considerate as perfectly empty.
The Display shows:
F l u s h i n g
P r e s s u r e
t e s t .
c o n t i n u e
m B . x x x x
p h a s e
g . x x x x x
m B . x x x x x
g . x x x x x
i n c r e a s e
m B . - x x x
S e c . x x x x