Consult your bike frame manufacturer's instructions for
the location of the Reverb Stealth hose installation port.
Common port locations include:
Seat tube:
• Thread the hose coupling plug into the end of a length of
brake hose, or derailleur or brake housing.
A 2 mm hex can be inserted into the coupling plug to help
thread it into the hose.
• Insert the length of hose/housing, coupling plug first,
through the Reverb Stealth hose installation port.
• Push the hose/housing into the frame until the coupling
plug emerges from the seat tube. Continue to Step 6.
Down tube:
For internal down tube hose installations, the bottom
bracket must be removed from the frame prior to routing
the hose. Consult your bottom bracket manufacturer's
instructions for removal.
• Thread the hose coupling plug into the end of a length of
brake hose, or derailleur or brake housing.
A 2 mm hex can be inserted into the coupling plug to help
thread it into the hose.
• Insert the length of hose/housing, coupling plug first,
through the Reverb Stealth hose installation port.
• Push the hose/housing into the frame until the coupling
plug emerges from the down tube at the bottom bracket
• Guide the hose/housing into the seat tube as you continue
to push the hose/housing into the frame until the coupling
plug emerges from the seat tube. Continue to Step 6.
Reverb Stealth User Manual
95-4215-004-000 Rev D