In the First line: Display status bar, real time clock (RTC if it is
configured) and DOMOPOOLS connectivity can be found.
The second line will show Production of the device and cell voltage.
Third line: Free Chlorine and ORP readings if Kits have been acquired.
On the fourth line, pH and temperature measures will be displayed.
The last line will show Salt concentration and relays status.
On the right hand site, Navigation Menus bar can be found. Display status bar
It is located on the first line of the Main Screen. Several status options are
available for this device. RTC and DOMOPOOLS connectivity are found in this
line as well.
Status options available:
• Wait: This period of time stabilizes readings of the probes when
Automatic Mode is selected. After this state, OK status will be displayed.
5 minutes are estimated for Wait status.
• OK: This is a correct performance of the equipment.
In this state, an autocleaning cell process will take place and
the polarity of the cell will be inverted after this.
• Stop: EVOLINK will be stopped until filtration pump is switched on again.
After the event, the equipment will perform as it was before.
• Warning: It means the equipment is undesirable working. The user
should take an action to solve it, but the equipment will not stop. This
state will be followed by a warning message.
Manual EVOLINK v.5
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