Password: password of your home WiFi
It will be confirmed by pressing "SET". After this point, the devices will reboot
and take a couple of minutes before it connects to your home WiFi.
5.2.2- Register
1) Go to
2) Select "Access" and "Register"
3) Fill up following formulary
a. User name
b. Email address
c. Password
d. Serial Number (sticker which contains 4 digits, at the front of
DomoPools device)
4) Now, everything is set it up to stablish a remote connection. Go to -> access -> log in with user and password
previously registered.
5) Connect via App by tapping on "Remote" and log in.
Note: If do not have access, please check followings steps:
There is WiFi signal where Domopools is located.
Log in user and password may not be introduced correctly.
Please follow these steps to repeat the process:
o Press button for 10 seconds
o Domopools will reboot and it going to take a couple of
o Connect to "Domopools" WiFi and configure home Wifi
5.2.3- Remote connection
This is the usual operating mode if every previous step have been completed
successfully. User needs to login via App or web to get a remote access. Be
sure, Domopools and EVOLINK are linked to the same Radio Channel.
Manual EVOLINK v.5
minutes to complete it
connection again. Follow previous steps
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