Arm/Leg Flutter with Opposition Balance
Perform 10 to 30 seconds of the "flutter", then hold a balance
position for 10 to 30 seconds on each side.
The goal of this exercise is to challenge upper body, lower body and core stabilization
and balance.
Lie face down with the hips and pelvis centered on the dome. Lift the legs until they are
parallel to the floor. Rest the elbows on the floor, or extend the arms overhead for more
challenge. Keeping the body straight and core muscles contracted, flutter the arms and legs
(See Fig. 20). This is a small movement and the focus should be on maintaining balance
while fluttering. After 10 to 30 seconds, hold and balance with arms and legs parallel to
the floor. Slowly bend one leg, then reach back with the opposite arm and touch the heel
of the bent leg (See Fig. 21). Hold, then repeat the balance with the opposite leg and arm.
Fig. 20
Fig. 21