Lateral Curl with Side Balance
Perform 12 to 20 repetitions, then hold a balance
position for 10 to 30 seconds.
The goal of this exercise is to challenge abdominal and lower back strength, and
core stabilization.
In a sidelying position, center the waist directly on top of the dome. Extend the legs in a
"scissor" position on the floor, and align the hips one on top of the other. Place the hands
behind the head, and relax over the dome until a stretch is felt down the side of
the body. From this stretched position, slowly lift the torso and flex to the
side. Avoid pulling on the head and neck. Instead pull the lower
side of the rib cage down toward the top of the hip (See Fig. 16).
After completing 12 to 20 repetitions, lower the torso until
the elbow rests on the floor. Lift the legs until they are
parallel to the floor. Hold this position and balance.
Fig. 16
For more balance challenge, cross the arms over the
chest (See Fig. 17) or extend them overhead. Repeat
the lateral curl and lateral balance on the other side.
Fig. 17
Opposite Arm/Leg Raise with Knee Pull
Perform 6 to 10 repetitions on each side.
The goal of this exercise is to challenge lower back strength, as well as upper body and
core stabilization.
Kneel with one knee centered directly on top of the dome and the hands placed on the floor
in front of the platform. Extend the other leg to the back. Simultaneously, lift that leg and the
opposite arm until they are parallel to the floor (See Fig. 18). Hold this lifted position and
balance for 1 to 2 seconds. (Try to lengthen both the leg and arm away from the core of the
body, focusing on length rather than height of the lift.) Slowly, bend both the arm and leg,
pulling the elbow and knee toward the abdomen. Allow the lower back to flex or round
slightly (See Fig. 19). Extend back out to the previous lifted and balanced position. Then,
lower the arm and leg back to the starting position. Perform multiple repetitions on one side
before replacing the knee with the other, and repeating the movement on the other side.
Fig. 19
Fig. 18