28 | English
As soon as a thermocouple is connected, the indicator t ap-
pears on the display. The measured value of the indicator is
continually updated. To achieve a reliable result, wait until the
measured value no longer changes. This can take several min-
utes depending on the version of thermocouple.
The contact temperature can be measured in every mode in
addition to the surface temperature. However, the surface
temperature is always used to determine thermal bridges and
mould risk.
If the thermocouple is removed, the function indicator t extin-
guishes on the display. Close the cover 1 again after removing
the thermocouple.
In thermal-bridge-mode, surface and ambient temperature
are measured and compared with each other. In case of larger
differences between both temperatures, a thermal-bridge
warning is indicated (see "Thermal Bridge", page 31).
To switch to thermal bridge mode, return to the standard dis-
play screen if not already on it. Then press the left-hand arrow
button 15 or the right-hand arrow button 11 repeatedly until
the "Thermal Bridge" window is displayed with a brief expla-
nation of the mode. To hide the explanation prematurely,
press the save button 9. To hide the explanation and immedi-
ately start a measurement, press the measure button 4.
Press the measure button 4 and aim the measuring tool per-
pendicular to the centre of the measuring object. After com-
pletion of the measurement, the surface temperature of the
measuring object most recently aimed at is fixed in the indica-
tor o and the ambient temperature in the indicator i.
The measuring tool automatically compares the values and
shows the interpretation of the values with the mark q on the
result scale l:
– Mark q in green range (temperature difference <3.5 °C):
Slight temperature difference; no thermal bridges present
– Mark q in yellow range (temperature difference 3.5 °C to
6.5 °C): Temperature difference is borderline; there may
possibly be a thermal bridge in the measuring area. The in-
sulation may be inadequate at this position. Repeat the
measurement if necessary at a later point in time. When
doing so, pay attention to external conditions which can af-
fect the measurement, e.g. whether the measuring surface
is heated up by direct sunlight or the measuring surface is
next to an open door and the fresh air temporarily lowers
the temperature.
– Mark q in red range (temperature difference >6.5 °C): The
surface temperature within the measuring surface devi-
ates significantly from the ambient temperature. There is a
thermal bridge in the measuring area, which is an indica-
tion of poor insulation.
You can manually adjust the temperature difference from
which the mark is displayed in the red range. To do so, open
the "Main Menu" (see "Navigating the "Main Menu"",
page 30). Select the "Functions" submenu. Set the desired
temperature difference under "Thermal Bridge".
If there are thermal bridges, check the thermal insulation in
this area.
1 609 92A 0XP | (17/4/15)
Dew Point Mode
The ambient temperature and relative humidity (see "Relative
Humidity", page 31) are measured in dew point mode. The
dew point temperature is calculated based on both values
(see "Dew Point Temperature", page 31). The surface tem-
perature is also measured.
The dew point temperature is compared with the surface tem-
perature and the result is interpreted as to the risk of mould.
Please note that the measuring results are always valid only
for the current measuring conditions. A measurement over
time is not possible. If critical measuring results are obtained,
you should repeat the measurement at different times and un-
der different conditions.
To switch to dew point mode, return to the standard display
screen if not already on it. Then press the left-hand arrow but-
ton 15 or the right-hand arrow button 11 repeatedly until the
"Dew Point" window is displayed with a brief explanation of
the mode. To hide the explanation prematurely, press the
save button 9. To hide the explanation and immediately start
a measurement, press the measure button 4.
Press the measure button 4 and aim the measuring tool per-
pendicular to the centre of the measuring object. After com-
pletion of the measurement, the surface temperature of the
measuring object most recently aimed at is fixed in the indica-
tor o, the ambient temperature in the indicator i and the rela-
tive humidity in the indicator h. The calculated dew point tem-
perature is displayed in j.
The measuring tool automatically compares the values and
shows the interpretation of the values with the mark q on the
result scale l:
– Mark q in green range: There is no mould risk under the cur-
rent conditions.
– Mark q in yellow range: The values are borderline; pay at-
tention to room temperature, thermal bridges and humidi-
ty, and repeat the measurement if necessary at a later
point in time.
– Mark q in red range: There is an increased mould risk be-
cause the humidity is too high or the surface temperature
is close to the dew point temperature. The conspicuous
value flashes in the indicator.
A mould risk warning is given when the surface temperature is
80% of the dew point temperature. When the risk of mould is
given, you should – depending on the cause – reduce the hu-
midity through more frequent and thorough ventilation, in-
crease the room temperature and eliminate thermal bridges.
Note: The measuring tool cannot detect mould spores. It only
indicates the possible formation of mould when the condi-
tions remain the same.
Bosch Power Tools