Operating the pH/ORP/Ion/Conductivity meter SG78
4.3 Key controls
Measurement modes
A single channel has to be selected first in order to switch the measurement mode.
Press and hold the MODE key to switch between the dual and single channel measurement screen.
The sequence of the alternating measurement modes for pH/ion measurement is:
1. pH
2. mV
3. rel. mV
4. ion
For the conductivity measurement the sequence is:
1. Conductivity
2. TDS
3. Salinity
4. Resistivity
Press and release
Switch meter on or off
Start or endpoint measurement (mea-
sure ment screen)
Confirm input or start editing a table
Exit menu and go back to measurement
Start calibration
Switch mode in single channel (mea-
sure ment screen)
Discard setting and go back to previous
menu (setting screens)
Press and hold for 3 seconds
Switch meter on or off
Turn backlight on or off
Review the last calibration data
Switch between single and dual channel
dis play (measurement screen)
pH/ORP/Ion/Conductivity meter SG78