TM 558
Produzido por Tecnomotor Eletrônica do Brasil S/A - REPRODUÇÃO PROIBIDA - Eventuais erros ou defeitos favor comunicar
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Toyota Denso 1 - Hilux 3.0 System - Pressure in idle.
Restriction test in idle
This test aims at checking the capacity of the system regarding generation of
pressure at idle, i.e., generating pressure with the least operating rotation of the
Test procedures
• Install the gauge in the system as explained in the installation chapter.
• Be sure that the valve is totally open.
• Activate the ignition key and start the engine.
• With the engine running in idle, slowly close the valve up to the point when the
engine begins to show difficulties to keep running in idle. Analyze the pressure.
After the analysis, open the valve and turn the engine off.
• It is recommended to not close too much, or totally, the valve during the test
so that the engine doesn't stop.
Attention: If the engine stops running during the restriction test, the
memory of failures of the system must be checked with a scanner, because
with some systems it is possible to generate a fault code that makes the
system enter into emergency. For a correct functioning of the system, the
memory of failures must be erased.