TM 558
Produzido por Tecnomotor Eletrônica do Brasil S/A - REPRODUÇÃO PROIBIDA - Eventuais erros ou defeitos favor comunicar
[email protected]
This manual describes the use of the TM 558, and how to keep it in an
appropriate way. Tecnomotor doesn't accept any responsibility for any damage or
personal harm to third parties, and for the use of the instrument with a purpose
not previewed in project.
The measurement and operation methods given in these instructions are only for
general guidance.
Always follow the legislation, if applicable, or the recommendations of the
manufacturer of the vehicle or system that is under test. If correct procedures are
not followed, damages can occur.
Avoid the risk of inhaling vapors: fuel and exhauster fumes are noxious;
always work in a well ventilated place. Never turn an engine on inside a closed
When working on a vehicle, be always sure to have the hand brake pulled,
and to keep the gear in neutral. If the vehicle has been lifted up, use
adequate equipment.