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ABB Automation Products S.A.
Divisiòn Instrumentaciòn
C/Albarracin, 35
28035 Madrid - Spain
Tel. +34 91 581 00 14
Facsimile +34 91 581 99 43
- 52 -
Av. Don Diego Cisneros
Edif. ABB, Los Ruices
Caracas - Venezuela
Tel. +58 (0) 212 2031676
Facsimile +58 (0)212 2031827
ABB S.p.A.
Via Statale, 113
22016 Lenno (CO)
Tel. +39 0344 58111
Facsimile +39 0344 56278
The Company's policy is one of continuous product
improvement and the right is reserved to modify the
information contained herein without notice.
Printed in Italy (01.2009)
© ABB 2012