c) Inspection by Xylem Analytics Germany with a quality certificate in accordance with
DIN 55 350-18, 4.2.2
The inspection at the manufacturer is carried out by means of comparative measurements using
viscometers as reference measuring standards that were tested at the PTB (corresponds to Item a).
General Information on the stability of viscometer constants
Each inspection (even with a certificate) can guarantee the technical measuring direction only for a
limited period of time. The constants of viscometers made of the borosilicate glass DURAN
however, can remain unchanged for long periods of time if the viscometers are kept away from altered
influences. Especially extreme changes can be expected, for instance, during the use of liquids that
attack glass, in particular hot caustic soda hydrated (NaOH) orduring glass-blowing repairs (even for
apparently insignificant repairs).
Liquids whose components adhere to the glass wall also cause errors. In such cases, regular cleaning
is required whereby the corrosive action cleaning agent on the glass must be eliminated. For this
reason, we recommend that the user should write up a special processing instruction for all important
measurements and include them in his quality management manual in accordance with
DIN EN ISO 9001. In all cases the user is responsible for the correctness of his measuring and testing
equipment and is not released from his responsibility for quality (cp. DIN 55 350, Part 18).
We provide guarantee for the device described for two years from the date of purchase. This
guarantee covers manufacturing faults being discovered within the mentioned period of two years.
Claim under guarantee covers only the restoration of functionality, not any further claim for damages
or financial loss. Improper handling/use or illegitimate opening of the device results in loss of the
guarantee rights. The guarantee does not cover wear parts. The breach of glass parts is also
excluded. To ascertain the guarantee liability, please return the instrument and proof of purchase
together with the date of purchase freight paid or prepaid.
Storage and transportation
If the AVS
370 has to be stored over some time, or to be dislocated, the use of the original packing
will be the best protection of the devices. However, in many cases this packing will not be available
anymore, so that one will have to compose an equivalent packaging system. Sealing the lower section
in a foil is hereby recommended.
The devices should be stored in a room with a temperature between +10 and +40°C, and the (relative)
humidity of the air should not exceed 70 %.
If the interchangeable have to be stored over some time, or to be dislocated, the fluids inside the
system, especially aggressive solution have to be removed.
Recycling and Disposal
Please observe the applicable local or national regulations concerning the disposal of "waste
electrical and electronic equipment".
In Germany, disposal of the device in household waste or via municipal collection points is not
permitted. Devices that are no longer used must be sent to the respective manufacturer for
disposal with paid postage and the note "FOR DISPOSAL"! The devices will then be disposed of
at the manufacturer's expense.
Detailed information on ‟Recycling and disposal" can be found on our homepage in the customer
support section under ‟WEEE disposal concept". If you have any further questions about disposal,
please contact the manufacturer directly (see the back of these operating manual).