Unlocking Your Phone
Tip: Your phone's unlock code is originally set to 1234.
Many service providers reset the unlock code to the last 4
digits of your phone number.
At the Enter Unlock Code prompt:
1 keypad keys
2 OK (+)
Setting Your Phone to Lock
You can set your phone to lock every time you turn it off:
Find the Feature
1 keypad keys
2 OK (+)
If You Forget a Code, PIN, or
Note: Your phone's 4-digit unlock code is originally set to
1234, and the 6-digit security code is originally set to 000000.
Many service providers reset the unlock code to the last 4
digits of your phone number before you receive your phone.
enter your unlock code
unlock your phone
M > Settings > Security
> Phone Lock
> Automatic Lock > On
enter your unlock code
activate automatic lock