We reserve the right to make technical changes to improve and develop
the product.
This device complies with European standards EN 60601-1 and
EN 60601-1-2 (in compliance with IEC 61000-4-2, IEC 61000-4-3,
IEC 61000-4-4, IEC 61000-4-5, IEC 61000-4-6, IEC 610004-8 and
IEC 610004-11) and is subject to special precautionary measures with
regard to electromagnetic compatibility. Please note that portable and
mobile HF communication systems may interfere with this device.
More details can be requested from the stated Customer Service address
or found at the end of the instructions for use.
This device meets the requirements of European Directive 93/42/EEC for
medical devices, as well as those of the Medizinproduktegesetz (German
Medical Devices Act).
• The device is suitable for use in all environments listed in these in-
structions for use, including domestic environments.
• The use of the device may be limited in the presence of electromag-
netic disturbances. This could result in issues such as error messag-
es or the failure of the display/device.
• Avoid using this device directly next to other devices or stacked on
top of other devices, as this could lead to faulty operation. If, howev-
er, it is necessary to use the device in the manner stated, this device
as well as the other devices must be monitored to ensure they are
working properly.
• The use of accessories other than those specified or provided by the
manufacturer of this device can lead to an increase in electromagnet-
ic emissions or a decrease in the device's electromagnetic immunity;
this can result in faulty operation.
• Keep portable RF communication devices (including peripheral
equipment, such as antenna cables or external antennas) at least 30
cm away from all device parts, including all cables included in deliv-
ery. Failure to comply with the above can impair the performance of
the device.
Further information on the guarantee and guarantee conditions can be
found in the guarantee leaflet supplied.