Importer symbol
This device is not a substitute for medical consultation and treat-
ment. Consult your doctor first if you are experiencing any pain or are
suffering from an illness.
To avoid damage to health, we strongly advise against using the dig-
ital EMS/TENS unit in the following situations:
• With implanted electrical devices (such as a pacemaker)
• In the case of metal implants
• If you use an insulin pump
• If you have a high temperature (e.g. > 39°C)
• If you have a known or acute cardiac arrhythmia, or disorders of the
heart's impulse and conduction system
• If you suffer from a seizure disorder (e.g. epilepsy)
• If you are pregnant
• If you have cancer
• After an operation, if strong muscle contractions could affect the
healing process
• The device must never be used close to the heart.
The stimulation electrodes must not be placed on any
part of the front ribcage (where the ribs and breast-
bone are located), especially not on the two large
pectorals. This can increase the risk of ventricular
fibrillation and induce cardiac arrest.
• On the skeletal skull structure, or around the mouth, throat or larynx
• In the neck/carotid artery area
• In the genital area
• On acutely or chronically diseased (injured or irritated) skin (e.g. in-
flamed skin – whether painful or not, reddened skin, rashes, e.g. al-
lergies, burns, bruises, swellings, both open and healing wounds, and
post-operative scars where the healing process could be affected)
• In humid environments (e.g. in the bathroom) or when bathing or
• Do not use after consuming alcohol
• If connected to a high-frequency surgical device
• In the case of acute or chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
• The stimulation should not be applied above or through the head,
directly onto the eyes, covering the mouth, to the front of the neck
(especially not to the carotid artery), or with the electrode surfaces
placed on the chest and upper back or across the heart.
Before using the device, consult your doctor if any of the following
apply to you:
• Serious illnesses, in particular if you suspect or have been diagnosed
with high blood pressure, a blood coagulation disorder, propensity to
thrombo-embolic conditions or recurrent malignant growths
• Any skin conditions
• If you have unexplained chronic pain in any part of the body
• Diabetes
• If you have any sensory impairment that reduces the feeling of pain
(e.g. metabolic disorders)
• If you are receiving medical treatment
• In the event of complaints linked to stimulation treatment
• If you suffer from persistently irritated skin due to long-term stimula-
tion at the same electrode site
Only use digital EMS/TENS units:
• On adults
• For the purpose for which it was developed and as specified in these
instructions for use. Any improper use can be dangerous
• For external use
• With the original accessories supplied, which can be re-ordered. Fail-
ure to do so invalidates the warranty.