Fujitsu Ten Eclipse CD1200 Guía De Referencia página 27

• Wlrmg and mstalling this main unit reqUires expertise and expenence ProfessIonal
installation IS recommended, Consult with your dealer or a professional mstaller.
Incorrect wtrlng may damage the main unit or mterfere with safe vehicle operation
• Use only the accessory parts as specified, USing olher parts may cause damage to
the main unit or cause parts to fall or fly off the mam Unit
• Do not mstall the main unJIln places where It may get dew condensation on (around
the air conditioning hose. elc.). come m contact with water. or In conditIon of high
moisture. dust or ally smoke If water. moisture, dust or oily smoke enters this main
unI!. smoke, fires or malfunctions may result
• Avoid mstalJmg In places where It cannot be fastened securely or where there are
strong Vibrations. Also, if you mstalled the maIO unit with double-sided tape, first
wipe away dirt and wax from the mslalJatlOn area. OtherwIse the maIO unit may
.:;ome loose due to vibration while dnvlng. cauSing problems for drlvlOg and resuiling
In traffic accidents or injuries
• Do not Install 10 places With direct sunlight or where It Will be hit directly by hot aIr
from Ihe heater This may Increase the temperature of the Intenor of thIs maIO unJI.
fIres and malfunctions
• Do not block the fan, heat Sink or . . . . ents of this malO unit. When fan, heat Sink or
. . . . ent IS blocked. the mtenor overheats. and fires may result.
• Connect as specified
the lOstallallon manual If not connected normally, fires or
accidents may result
• When Install109 10 vehicles eqUipped Wllh air bags. check the manufacturer's
cautions regardlOg operatIon before operating AJrbags may not operate properly
• Carry out the wlnng such that cords are not pinched by movable parts such as seat
ralls, and screw parts of the vehicle body. Accidents. fires and shocks may result
from disconnection and electncal shorts.
• Carry out the wmng such that the cord does not make contact with metal parts The
cord maybe be damaged by :ontact With melal parts. resultmg In fire and shocks
• Avoid hal surfaces when wlnng maIO unit High temperatures may damage wmng,
causing shorts. arclOg and fires
• When changing the Installation locahon for thiS main unit. please consult the dealer
where you bought It for safety reasons Expertise IS necessary for removal and
• Keep volume to a reasonable level so that you can hear sounds from outSide the
vehl 'Ie, Includrng warning sounds. VOices, and Sirens Failure to do so may cause
an aCCident
• When an external amplifier IS connected. the beep Will not sound
• Do not put your hands or fingers Into the loadlOg slot of dISC or USB Input terminal.
InJunes may result
• Do not touch the heat diSSipating part of the amp, Bums may result from the heat of
thiS part.
• Do not recharge dry batteries Dry bat1eries may rupture, resultrng 10 Injuries
• Do not use batteries olher than those speCified. Also, do not mix old and new
banenes. InJunes or pollution to the surroundrngs may result from battery ruptures
and leakage
• When IOsertlng ballenes Into the main unit, be careful With the polarity (positive!
negative), and Insert them as Indicated, If Ihe battery pOlarities are Incorrect. mjunes
and polillhon to the surroundings may result from battery ruptures and leakage
• Replace used banenes as soon as pOSSible: they may leak and damage main UOlt.
Battery leakage can burn your skm or your eyes Wash hands after handling
• If alkalrne solutIon from alkaline dry batteries makes contact With your skin or
clothes fiush With clean water. If any of the solutIon gets In your eyes, also flush
clean WIth water and then seek medical attention.
• When dispOSing of lithIum dry batterres, afflx rnsulatrng tape to the POSitive and
negative terminals, and after they are IOsulated, dispose of them according to the
ftLocal municipal ordmances" Shorts. fires and ruptures may result from disposal when
coming contact With other electncally conductIVe objects such as meta! parts. etc
• Do nOI short disassemble or heat the batteries, or place them in fire or water Fire
and IOJunes may result from battery rupture and leakage
• Store the remole control In a place away from dIrect sunlight. high temperatures,
and high mOisture levels The case may change shape, and the baltenes may
rupture and leak.
• Do not use this main unit except for in-vehicle use Shocks or injuries may result
• Be careful of the position of the volume when lurnlng the power source ON Heanng
damage may result If very loud nOise IS emitted when the power IS turned ON
• Do not operate under abnormal conditions such as when the sound IS broken or
distorted, Fires may result
• ThIS maIO unit uses Invisible laser light. Do no! disassemble or alter this main unit. If
trouble occurs, contact the dealer where you bought the maIO unit
• Allenng thiS main
may cause exposure to laser emiSSions (worsening eyeSight),
or result
aCCidents, fires or shocks
• If the maIO uM IS dropped or the cosmetiCS appear broken. turn off the power to
the maIO unit and contact your dealer If used In lhls condition, fires or shocks may
For your safety In uSing the CD1200
• Wlrmg and mstalling this main unit reqUires expertise and expenence ProfessIonal
installation IS recommended, Consult with your dealer or a professional mstaller.
Incorrect wtrlng may damage the main unit or mterfere with safe vehicle operation
• Use only the accessory parts as specified, USing olher parts may cause damage to
the main unit or cause parts to fall or fly off the mam Unit
• Do not mstall the main unJIln places where It may get dew condensation on (around
the air conditioning hose. elc.). come m contact with water. or In conditIon of high
moisture. dust or ally smoke If water. moisture, dust or oily smoke enters this main
unI!. smoke, fires or malfunctions may result
• Avoid mstalJmg In places where It cannot be fastened securely or where there are
strong Vibrations. Also, if you mstalled the maIO unit with double-sided tape, first
wipe away dirt and wax from the mslalJatlOn area. OtherwIse the maIO unit may
.:;ome loose due to vibration while dnvlng. cauSing problems for drlvlOg and resuiling
In traffic accidents or injuries
• Do not Install 10 places With direct sunlight or where It Will be hit directly by hot aIr
from Ihe heater This may Increase the temperature of the Intenor of thIs maIO unJI.
fIres and malfunctions
• Do not block the fan, heat Sink or . . . . ents of this malO unit. When fan, heat Sink or
. . . . ent IS blocked. the mtenor overheats. and fires may result.
• Connect as specified
the lOstallallon manual If not connected normally, fires or
accidents may result
• When Install109 10 vehicles eqUipped Wllh air bags. check the manufacturer's
cautions regardlOg operatIon before operating AJrbags may not operate properly
• Carry out the wlnng such that cords are not pinched by movable parts such as seat
ralls, and screw parts of the vehicle body. Accidents. fires and shocks may result
from disconnection and electncal shorts.
• Carry out the wmng such that the cord does not make contact with metal parts The
cord maybe be damaged by :ontact With melal parts. resultmg In fire and shocks
• Avoid hal surfaces when wlnng maIO unit High temperatures may damage wmng,
causing shorts. arclOg and fires
• When changing the Installation locahon for thiS main unit. please consult the dealer
where you bought It for safety reasons Expertise IS necessary for removal and
• Keep volume to a reasonable level so that you can hear sounds from outSide the
vehl 'Ie, Includrng warning sounds. VOices, and Sirens Failure to do so may cause
an aCCident
• When an external amplifier IS connected. the beep Will not sound
• Do not put your hands or fingers Into the loadlOg slot of dISC or USB Input terminal.
InJunes may result
• Do not touch the heat diSSipating part of the amp, Bums may result from the heat of
thiS part.
• Do not recharge dry batteries Dry bat1eries may rupture, resultrng 10 Injuries
• Do not use batteries olher than those speCified. Also, do not mix old and new
banenes. InJunes or pollution to the surroundrngs may result from battery ruptures
and leakage
• When IOsertlng ballenes Into the main unit, be careful With the polarity (positive!
negative), and Insert them as Indicated, If Ihe battery pOlarities are Incorrect. mjunes
and polillhon to the surroundings may result from battery ruptures and leakage
• Replace used banenes as soon as pOSSible: they may leak and damage main UOlt.
Battery leakage can burn your skm or your eyes Wash hands after handling
• If alkalrne solutIon from alkaline dry batteries makes contact With your skin or
clothes fiush With clean water. If any of the solutIon gets In your eyes, also flush
clean WIth water and then seek medical attention.
• When dispOSing of lithIum dry batterres, afflx rnsulatrng tape to the POSitive and
negative terminals, and after they are IOsulated, dispose of them according to the
ftLocal municipal ordmances" Shorts. fires and ruptures may result from disposal when
coming contact With other electncally conductIVe objects such as meta! parts. etc
• Do nOI short disassemble or heat the batteries, or place them in fire or water Fire
and IOJunes may result from battery rupture and leakage
• Store the remole control In a place away from dIrect sunlight. high temperatures,
and high mOisture levels The case may change shape, and the baltenes may
rupture and leak.
• Do not use this main unit except for in-vehicle use Shocks or injuries may result
• Be careful of the position of the volume when lurnlng the power source ON Heanng
damage may result If very loud nOise IS emitted when the power IS turned ON
• Do not operate under abnormal conditions such as when the sound IS broken or
distorted, Fires may result
• ThIS maIO unit uses Invisible laser light. Do no! disassemble or alter this main unit. If
trouble occurs, contact the dealer where you bought the maIO unit
• Allenng thiS main
may cause exposure to laser emiSSions (worsening eyeSight),
or result
aCCidents, fires or shocks
• If the maIO uM IS dropped or the cosmetiCS appear broken. turn off the power to
the maIO unit and contact your dealer If used In lhls condition, fires or shocks may
For your safety In uSing the CD1200