Fujitsu Ten Eclipse CD1200 Guía De Referencia página 26

For your safety in using the (01200
Pour trouver les precautions de secunle en fran93ls. reportez-vous a la page 28.
Para una descripclon en espariol concermenle con las precauciones de segundad. refierase a la pag. 30
PleaStf read al malenals such as manuals and warranties that have come WIth the product
Eclipse will not
'iabl ty for unsatisfactory product performance due to failure to follow these instructions.
Warnings and caubon signs. ,lIustrated below, are posted throughout thIs manual as well as on the C01200
They show safe and correct ways 10 handle the product so as 10 prevent personal inJury to you. others and to
avoid property damage
Before reading through the manual. take time to read through and learn the Important information listed
• Do not modify thiS system for use other than that specified herem. Also, do not deviate from the
Installatton procedures descnbed herein. Eclipse Will not be held liable for damages Including, but not
limited to senous inJury, death or property damage resultmg from Installabons that enable unmtended
• This main Unit requires 12V DC and should only be Installed In a vehicle with a 12V negaltve ground
electncal system. Any other Installation may cause a fire or other severe damage to the main unit and
the vehicle.
• Never Install thIS main unit where it Will Interfere with safe operation of the vehicle Never block the
dnvers' VIew, Do not Install main unit where It may Interfere With operation of the brakes, the steenng
or any safety malO UOit Includmg seat belts and air bags
• Before dnillng holes
a vehicle for installatIOn, you must confirm the locations of pipes, tanks.
electncal wlnng. and other vehicle systems and components to ensure that there win be no Interference
or contact. In addition you must also apply rust prevention and leak prevenbon measures at the dnillng
area Otherwise fire or eleetnc shock could occur
• When Instal In9 main unit do not remove or alter eXisting vehicle fasteners. Includmg nuts. bolls
screws cltps, and fitllngs
Never detach, move or alter eX1stmg vehicle wifing including electncal
grounds and straps Alteration of eXisting ...ehlcte components may make vehicle unsafe to operate
• Before InstaJlallOn. remove the negah\le (-I battery terminal to prevent shocks, electncal arcing. fires
and damage 10 vehIcle wIfing and the malO unit you are mstal 109
• Secure wmng With tape or plastIC lies so that wires do nol interfere With vehicle operation, including
brake pedal, gear shifter and steeflng. POSition wIres so that they Will not be rubbed, abraded. or
damaged by movIng vehicle components. mcludlng power seals.
• To avoid malO unit and vehicle damage, IncludlOg fire, never supply power 10 Installed malO unit In a
way which WIll overload the capacity of an eXisting vehIcle CIrcUit. Ne\ler leave a power supply wIre or
connectIon unlnsulated Always Install supplied fuses, CIrCUIt breakers, and relays
• Air bags are Vital safety maIO unit Never Install main unit In a way which Will alter air bag wlnng or
Interfere With air bag deployment. AIr bags must function property In the event of an aCCident.
• When installatIOn IS complete. test aU vehicle electrical systems for proper operation. IOcludlng lights,
hom, brake lights, and emergency flashers.
• For your protection. ne\ler use a power dnll Without safety glasses or goggles DebriS
broken dnll
Ms may cause seliers eye IOJunes. Including blindness
• Use electrical tape 10 Insulate Ihe ends of ail wires. even If nol used Proper InsulatIOn prevents arcs.
shocks and fires
• Some maIn unit uses battenes. Never Install maIO unit where young children can get access to
battenes If a battery IS swallowed, seek medical attention Immediately
• When ...ehlcle IS mo"'lng. never lake your eyes off the road to make adjustments to the malO unit You
must pay attentJOn to the road to aVOid aCCIdents, do not let the operation or adJustment of the rna n
unit dlstrad you from proper vehicle operallon
• The dnver should not look at the screen while drlvmg, ACCidents may result
you are not paymg
attention to the forward dIrectIon.
• Do not put foreign Objects In the loading slot of diSC or USB Input termlOal Fires or shocks may result
• Do not disassemble or alter this main UOit. ACCidents, fires or shocks may result
• Do not let water or foreign objects enter the IOtemal parts of thIS main unit Smoke fires or shocks may
• Pay attention to where the remote contraIls left Traffic aCCidents or problems WIth dnvmg may result
If the remote control makes Its way under the foot pedals etc. when the vehicle IS stopped or when It
goes around a corner
• Do not use when It IS broken (the screen s not It or no sound comes out) ACCIdents fires or shocks
may result
• Always replace fuses With fuses of ,dent cal capacity and charadenstlcs Never use a high capaoty
fuse than the oog nal Us
the wrong
of fuse may cause a fire or severe damage.
• If foreign obJeds or water enters the malO uOll. smoke comes oul or there IS a strange odor, stop USlOg
Immediately and contact your dealer ACCIdents. fires. or shocks
result If you contlnue to use It
10 these condillons
• The dnver should not change lhe CD or USB memory while dnvlOg As aCCidents may result If you are
noj paying attenhon to the forward direction. first stop the car at a safe locatIon and then proceed
• PlastiC bags and wrappmgs may cause suffocation and death Keep away from babies and children
Never put bag over your head or mouth
ThIS SI90 indIcates a situation In which Incorrect handling or disregard of this Sign
might resullm death or senous personal InJUry
This sign IndIcates a sItuation 10 which Incorrect handling or disregard of this Stgn
might resUlt In personal InJury or may result solery m damage to property
For your safety in using the (01200
Pour trouver les precautions de secunle en fran93ls. reportez-vous a la page 28.
Para una descripclon en espariol concermenle con las precauciones de segundad. refierase a la pag. 30
PleaStf read al malenals such as manuals and warranties that have come WIth the product
Eclipse will not
'iabl ty for unsatisfactory product performance due to failure to follow these instructions.
Warnings and caubon signs. ,lIustrated below, are posted throughout thIs manual as well as on the C01200
They show safe and correct ways 10 handle the product so as 10 prevent personal inJury to you. others and to
avoid property damage
Before reading through the manual. take time to read through and learn the Important information listed
• Do not modify thiS system for use other than that specified herem. Also, do not deviate from the
Installatton procedures descnbed herein. Eclipse Will not be held liable for damages Including, but not
limited to senous inJury, death or property damage resultmg from Installabons that enable unmtended
• This main Unit requires 12V DC and should only be Installed In a vehicle with a 12V negaltve ground
electncal system. Any other Installation may cause a fire or other severe damage to the main unit and
the vehicle.
• Never Install thIS main unit where it Will Interfere with safe operation of the vehicle Never block the
dnvers' VIew, Do not Install main unit where It may Interfere With operation of the brakes, the steenng
or any safety malO UOit Includmg seat belts and air bags
• Before dnillng holes
a vehicle for installatIOn, you must confirm the locations of pipes, tanks.
electncal wlnng. and other vehicle systems and components to ensure that there win be no Interference
or contact. In addition you must also apply rust prevention and leak prevenbon measures at the dnillng
area Otherwise fire or eleetnc shock could occur
• When Instal In9 main unit do not remove or alter eXisting vehicle fasteners. Includmg nuts. bolls
screws cltps, and fitllngs
Never detach, move or alter eX1stmg vehicle wifing including electncal
grounds and straps Alteration of eXisting ...ehlcte components may make vehicle unsafe to operate
• Before InstaJlallOn. remove the negah\le (-I battery terminal to prevent shocks, electncal arcing. fires
and damage 10 vehIcle wIfing and the malO unit you are mstal 109
• Secure wmng With tape or plastIC lies so that wires do nol interfere With vehicle operation, including
brake pedal, gear shifter and steeflng. POSition wIres so that they Will not be rubbed, abraded. or
damaged by movIng vehicle components. mcludlng power seals.
• To avoid malO unit and vehicle damage, IncludlOg fire, never supply power 10 Installed malO unit In a
way which WIll overload the capacity of an eXisting vehIcle CIrcUit. Ne\ler leave a power supply wIre or
connectIon unlnsulated Always Install supplied fuses, CIrCUIt breakers, and relays
• Air bags are Vital safety maIO unit Never Install main unit In a way which Will alter air bag wlnng or
Interfere With air bag deployment. AIr bags must function property In the event of an aCCident.
• When installatIOn IS complete. test aU vehicle electrical systems for proper operation. IOcludlng lights,
hom, brake lights, and emergency flashers.
• For your protection. ne\ler use a power dnll Without safety glasses or goggles DebriS
broken dnll
Ms may cause seliers eye IOJunes. Including blindness
• Use electrical tape 10 Insulate Ihe ends of ail wires. even If nol used Proper InsulatIOn prevents arcs.
shocks and fires
• Some maIn unit uses battenes. Never Install maIO unit where young children can get access to
battenes If a battery IS swallowed, seek medical attention Immediately
• When ...ehlcle IS mo"'lng. never lake your eyes off the road to make adjustments to the malO unit You
must pay attentJOn to the road to aVOid aCCIdents, do not let the operation or adJustment of the rna n
unit dlstrad you from proper vehicle operallon
• The dnver should not look at the screen while drlvmg, ACCidents may result
you are not paymg
attention to the forward dIrectIon.
• Do not put foreign Objects In the loading slot of diSC or USB Input termlOal Fires or shocks may result
• Do not disassemble or alter this main UOit. ACCidents, fires or shocks may result
• Do not let water or foreign objects enter the IOtemal parts of thIS main unit Smoke fires or shocks may
• Pay attention to where the remote contraIls left Traffic aCCidents or problems WIth dnvmg may result
If the remote control makes Its way under the foot pedals etc. when the vehicle IS stopped or when It
goes around a corner
• Do not use when It IS broken (the screen s not It or no sound comes out) ACCIdents fires or shocks
may result
• Always replace fuses With fuses of ,dent cal capacity and charadenstlcs Never use a high capaoty
fuse than the oog nal Us
the wrong
of fuse may cause a fire or severe damage.
• If foreign obJeds or water enters the malO uOll. smoke comes oul or there IS a strange odor, stop USlOg
Immediately and contact your dealer ACCIdents. fires. or shocks
result If you contlnue to use It
10 these condillons
• The dnver should not change lhe CD or USB memory while dnvlOg As aCCidents may result If you are
noj paying attenhon to the forward direction. first stop the car at a safe locatIon and then proceed
• PlastiC bags and wrappmgs may cause suffocation and death Keep away from babies and children
Never put bag over your head or mouth
ThIS SI90 indIcates a situation In which Incorrect handling or disregard of this Sign
might resullm death or senous personal InJUry
This sign IndIcates a sItuation 10 which Incorrect handling or disregard of this Stgn
might resUlt In personal InJury or may result solery m damage to property