M18™ Wireless Monitor
2021/09/26 01:49:57 AM
8. The new trimmed file is now placed in the same Job folder as the original file.
2.3.15 Recording Audio
This feature adds audio comments to recording videos or to existing videos already in
the gallery. This is useful to add audio annotations to accompany any labels used in
the video or if something new was spotted during the review of the video. When adding
annotations to an existing video file, the original file will remain the same, and a new file
will be created with the annotations. You will have to name this new file at the end of the
Note that any Highlights from the original video will not be saved in the newly created
video you are adding an audio comment to.
1. From the Gallery
2. Select Play
to watch the video, press Pause
Use the RW/FF
3. Turn the navigation dial to the Record Audio
activate the microphone. Note that the Microphone Button will glow red when active.
4. Speak clearly facing the internal microphone (located in the top left corner of the
M18™ Wireless Monitor) and be in the range of 48 inches from it.
5. Press the navigation dial again (which is currently on Microphone) to deactivate the
6. Turn the navigation dial to select Save & Exit, press the navigation dial.
7. Select OK on the message to set a name for the new annotated file.
8. Use the on-screen keyboard to enter a name for the file, navigate to and select
Return, then select Save.
9. Wait for the progress indicator to run until completed.
Saving "20190510051501.mp4"
to SSD.
select the desired video to add annotations to.
feature to reach highlighted parts of the video.
at the spot to add the annotation.
icon and press navigation dial to
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