Here are a few basic recipes which have already been tried out in our laboratory
kitchen. You can easily change these recipes to meet individual tastes by varying
the different ingredients. If you want to make more or less waffles you can, of
course, alter the amounts specified accordingly.
If you want to use stevia instead of sugar, simply replace the specification for
sugar with a specification for stevia. (Caution: In this case the dough will be so-
mewhat thinner). Honey or syrup is used like sugar.
In this case the sweetening effect is not as strong, however browning of the waf-
fles is more pronounced.
Add 1 pinch of salt, ground cloves, chopped or ground nuts or almonds, sulta-
nas, chopped apples, cinnamon, cardamom, anise, ginger powder, coriander,
grated lemon cests or lemon juice etc. A dash of alcohol (rum, arrak, cherry bran-
dy) refines each recipe. Serve the waffles dusted with icing sugar. Serve them
with strawberries and whipped cream, with hot raspberries, with apple purée or
ice cream, etc.
Common waffles (crispy, sweet)
Approx. 10 waffles
Ingredients: 125 g butter, 75 g su-
gar, 1 bag vanilla sugar, 3 eggs, 1 tbsp
rum, 125 g flour, 125 g cornflour,
2 tsp baking powder, milk (approx.
1/8 l).
Preparation: Beat grease with sugar
and vanilla sugar until frothy, add
eggs, rum, flour, cornflour, and baking
powder (sieve flour, cornflour and ba-
king powder before). Then add milk.
Apple waffles
Approx. 8 waffles
Ingredients: 250 g butter or margari-
ne, 75 g sugar, grated lemon cests, 4
eggs, 250 g flour, 1 tsp baking pow-
der, approx. 1/8 l lukewarm milk,
300 g peeled and finely cubed apples,
50 g grated almonds or nuts, 1/2 tsp
cinnamon, 1 tbsp rum.
Preparation: Mix the cubed apples
with cinnamon, sugar rum and ground
Sweet waffles
nuts and let this mixture stand for a
while. Beat butter until frothy and add
the grated lemon cestsand the eggs.
Mix flour and baking powder and stir
it into the eggs, turn by turn with the
milk. Finally add the apple-nut-mix-
ture. Dust the baked waffles with sugar
and cinnamon and serve them warm.
Fine Swabian waffles
Approx. 8 waffles
Ingredients: 125 g butter or marga-
rine, 30 g sugar, 100 g flour, 4 eggs,
1 bag of vanilla sugar, 5 tbs psweet
Preparation: Beat egg white until stiff
(add 1 tbsp of sugar before the egg
white becomes stiff). Beat butter un-
til frothy, then add egg yolk, sugar and
vanilla sugar. Then add sieved flour
and cream. Finally add the stiff egg