8 .
Twist spiral tubing clockwise onto new 90 degree
fitting on head box . See Figure 11 and tubing routings
for correct installation . Rubbing (Isopropyl) alcohol
may be applied to fittings for easier installation .
9 .
Push 90 degree fitting from spiral tubing into tubing
from air cell assembly . See Figure 11 and tubing
routings for correct installation . Rubbing (Isopropyl)
alcohol may be applied to fittings for easier installation .
Ensure fittings are fully inserted into tubing .
10 . Repeat steps 7 & 8 for three remaining spiral tubing
connections .
11 . Zip support surface cover closed .
12 . Power up support surface .
13 . After support surface fill, (approximately 1 minute) verify the support surface is flat . The rotation bladders should not fill .
14 . Put the support surface into the service mode . (Lock Screen, Hold Percussion 5 seconds, Hold Rotation
5 seconds, Press Start) .
15 . Perform a diagnostic test to verify the support surface is working correctly .
Service Information
2950-109-005 REV B
Figure 11
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