Read all of manual to become familiar with this vehicle. Pay attention to all NOTICES, CAUTIONS, WARNINGS and DANGERS.
Tool List
Spark plug wrench,13/16" ........................................... 1
Plug gauge, wire type.................................................. 1
Using a 13/16" spark plug wrench, remove the spark
plug at intervals indicated in the Periodic Service
Schedule, check, clean and set the gap to 0.7 - 0.8 mm
(.028" - 031"). Install the spark plug and tighten to 16 ft.
lbs. (22 Nm) torque.
0.7 - 0.8 mm
(.028" - .031")
Fig. 38 Gapping the Spark Plug
A fouled spark plug is indicated by a wet, black appear-
ance. This could be caused by a dirty air filter element
or other restrictions in the air intake system. Incorrectly
adjusted valves, a spark plug wire in poor condition or
poor quality fuel could also contribute to the problem.
Use care not to over-tighten the plug. Over-tightening
can cause damage to the aluminum cylinder head
To reduce the possibility of damage to the vehicle, neu-
tralize acid before rinsing the battery.
To reduce the possibility of damage to electrical com-
ponents while cleaning, do not use a pressure washer.
When cleaning the outside of the battery and terminals,
do not use a water hose without first spraying with a so-
lution of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and water to
neutralize any acid deposits. Use of a water hose with-
out first neutralizing any acid, will move the acid from
the top of the battery to another area of the vehicle or
storage facility where it will attack the metal structure or
the concrete/asphalt floor. After hosing down the bat-
Qty. Required
Owner's Guide
tery, a residue will be left on the battery which is con-
ductive and will contribute to the discharge of the bat-
The correct cleaning technique is to spray the top and
sides of the battery with a solution of baking soda and
water. This solution is best applied with a garden type
sprayer equipped with a non metallic spray wand. The
solution should consist of 1/4 cup (60 ml) of baking soda
mixed with 1 1/2 gallons (6 liters) of clear water. In addi-
tion to the battery, special attention should be paid to
the metallic components adjacent to the battery which
should also be sprayed with the baking soda solution.
1/4 Cup (60 ML)
Baking Soda
(Sodium Bicarbonate)
1 1/2 GAL (6 Liters) Water
Fig. 39 Preparing Acid Neutralizing Solution
Allow the solution to sit for at least three minutes; use a
soft bristle brush or cloth to wipe the top of the battery in
order to remove any residue that could cause the self
discharge of the battery. Rinse the entire area with low
pressure clear water. DO NOT use a pressure washer.
Tool List
Insulated Wrench, 1/2".................................................1
Socket, 1/2" .................................................................1
Extension, 12"..............................................................1
Ratchet ........................................................................1
Torque Wrench, ft. lbs..................................................1
Non-Metalic Wand
2 GAL (8 Liters)
Gargen Sprayer
(1 1/2 GAL (6 Liters)
Baking Soda Solution
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