Read all of manual to become familiar with this vehicle. Pay attention to all NOTICES, CAUTIONS, WARNINGS and DANGERS.
.Thank you for purchasing this vehicle. Before driving
the vehicle, we ask you to spend some time reading this
Owner's Guide. This guide contains the information that
will assist you in maintaining this highly reliable vehicle.
Some illustrations may show items that are optional for
your vehicle.
This vehicle has been designed and manufactured as a
'World Vehicle'. Some countries have individual require-
ments to comply with their specifications; therefore,
some sections may not apply in your country.
Most of the service procedures in this guide can be ac-
complished using common automotive hand tools. Con-
tact your service representative on servicing the vehicle
in accordance with the Periodic Service Schedule.
Service Parts Manuals as well as Repair and Service
Manuals are available from a local Distributor, an autho-
rized Branch or the E-Z-GO Service Parts Department.
When ordering parts or requesting information for your
vehicle, provide vehicle model, serial number and man-
ufacture date code.
Three serial number and manufacture date code labels
are on the vehicle. One is placed on the steering column
(Ref. Fig. 1), the second is located on the frame mem-
ber under the front splash shield on the driver side (Ref.
Fig. 2) and the third is located on the passenger side
frame rail at the rear of the vehicle (Ref. Fig. 3).
In order to obtain correct components for the vehicle, the
manufacture date code, serial number and vehicle
model must be provided when ordering service parts.
Serial Number
Fig. 1 Serial Number Location on Steering Column
Owner's Guide
Fig. 2 Serial Number on Front Frame
Serial Number
Fig. 3 Serial Number on Rear Frame
Serial Number
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