Importance and limitations of the instruction manual
These instructions are provided for safety reasons and should be read and understood before installing and
using the equipment. Keep this document available at the installation site. These instructions must remain with
the equipment when it is transferred to other users. The efficient operation and durability of the device depends
on its correct installation, proper use and regular application of the maintenance instructions given below. For
more information about the product and to periodically check the availability of new versions of this document,
see www.acquabrevetti.it. If in doubt, contact Acqua Brevetti SRL at +39.049.8973432 or by e-mail to:
Manual ownership clause
This manual and its contents are the exclusive property of Acqua Brevetti SRL and may not be reproduced in
any form, even partially. Acqua Brevetti SRL reserves the right to make changes to its products and manuals
without prior notice or any obligation to update previous production or manuals.
Symbols used in the manual
Safety directions.
Authorised service centre task
Indicates work to be performed exclusively by an authorised Technical Service Centre.
The device may only be installed and operated according to the indications in this document. Compliance with
these instructions is an integral part of the proper use of the product. Extraordinary maintenance operations
must be carried out exclusively by Acqua Brevetti SRL personnel or by Technical Support Centres (TSCs)
authorised by Acqua Brevetti SRL. Any abuse during the warranty period will result in immediate forfeiture.
Acqua Brevetti SRL is relieved of all liability in the event of failure to comply with the requirements of this
manual. Failure to observe these instructions may result in damage or undesirable changes to the quality of
treated water.
Safety measures
The following conditions may result in damage to the device, water leakage, or undesirable changes in the
quality of treated water:
incorrect installation;
incorrect or neglected maintenance;
unsuitable installation environment conditions;
poor quality drinking water (high microbial count, excessive particle size);
non-original replacement parts;
water temperature and pressure limits not in accordance with nameplate data.
The installer and user are required to comply with all relevant local laws, technical standards and regulations
on environmental protection, safety, accident prevention and system operation during installation and operation
of the product. If in doubt, contact Acqua Brevetti SRL (tel. +39.049.8973432, email:
[email protected])
before proceeding with installation.
Dear Customer, Thank you for choosing one of our products. Acqua Brevetti uses state-of-the-art technologies
with automated construction design and finishing processes, creating an optimal relationship between
performance and ease of use while minimising its environmental impact. Product registration is optional and
therefore not a necessary condition for enjoyment of the warranty right established by law. Acqua Brevetti
respects your privacy. See our Privacy Statement for more details.
Legal warranty
Acqua Brevetti SRL (hereinafter also the manufacturer) provides a legal warranty on its products, in
accordance with Directive 99/44/EC. The exclusive beneficiaries of the warranty are consumers, meaning
persons who use Acqua Brevetti's products for purposes unrelated to any business or professional activity.
The duration of the warranty is 24 months from the date of purchase, proven by a fiscal receipt or document