User manual
In certain cable networks, it may be interes-
ting to replace the Operator_ID field, recei-
ved in the input transport stream, by the
corresponding value of the operator of the
cable network.
NIT Handling
To ease receiver searching among all the
available QAM channels on the SMATV net-
work, a NIT (NIT Handling), Table processing
mechanism has been implemented. It con-
sists of the generation of a NIT table that
includes all the information on the different
QAM channels present in the network (fre-
quency, modulation order, baud rate). Every
DVBS2-QAM or COFDM-QAM transmodula-
ting module replaces the NIT table on entry
with this new table. Thus, the receiver need
only tune in on a QAM channel to access
this data, enormously easing the search for
services available on the network.
User management of this NIT Handling
mechanism is done using the CDC 2.12 ver-
sion or a more advanced program. See this
program's manual for a detailed description.
The DVBS2 to QAM transmodulator receives
a satellite-based transponder (in one of the
modulation formats defined in the DVBS2:
QPSK or 8PSK standards) and demodulates
it, obtaining an MPEG-2 transport package.
Subsequently, the MPEG2 is modulated in
QAM format and converted to the output
channel (UHF o VHF and 8 MHz maximum
bandwidth) using a high-speed up-conver-
Through the use of the universal program-
mer (ref.7234), programming is carried out of
the transmodulator DVBS2-QAM functional
parameters (basically input frequency, out-
put channel and modulation format).
The DVB-S2 to QAM module features input
and output IF signal at its "F" upper connec-
tors in order to allow IF loopthrough to seve-
ral additional modules as well as to feed a
LNB through the input line (13/17V). In the
event of a short circuit, the front LED will
blink until the situation normalizes, when the
13/17V voltage is restored to the connector.
It also has an RF input and output connec-
tor, so as to mix the channels for subse-
quent amplification.