USAG 1312 Manual Del Usuario

Kit de herramientas de motor - g.m. - opel

Enlaces rápidos

Cassetta per la messa in fase del motore - G.M. - OPEL
Engine Timing Tool Kit - G.M. - OPEL
Coffret de calage et réglage de distribution – G.M. - OPEL
Arretierwerkzeug-Satz – G.M. - OPEL
Kit de Herramientas de Motor – G.M. - OPEL
Conjunto de Ferramentas para Regulação de Motores – G.M. - OPEL

Resumen de contenidos para USAG 1312

  • Página 1 G.M. - OPEL Cassetta per la messa in fase del motore - G.M. - OPEL Engine Timing Tool Kit - G.M. - OPEL Coffret de calage et réglage de distribution – G.M. - OPEL Arretierwerkzeug-Satz – G.M. - OPEL Kit de Herramientas de Motor – G.M. - OPEL Conjunto de Ferramentas para Regulação de Motores –...
  • Página 2 Ref. OEM Ref. (IT)/Designation / Description / Bezeichnung / (NL) / Descripción / Descrição / (PL) (IT) Utensile tenditore KM 666 (GB) Tensioner adjuster 1312 A (FR) Outil tendeur (DE) Spannwerkzeug (NL) (ES) Herramienta de tensado (PT) (PL)
  • Página 3 Ref. OEM Ref. (IT) Perno di bloccaggio volano motore 9,5 mm (GB) Flywheel locking pin Ø 9,5 mm 1312 F (FR) Pige de blocage du volant moteur Ø 9,5 mm (DE) Schwungrad-Fixierdorn Ø 9,5 mm (NL) (ES) Chaveta de reglaje del cigüeñal Ø 9,5 mm...
  • Página 4 Designation / Description / Bezeichnung / (NL) / Descripción / (IT) / Descrição / (P Ref. OEM Ref. (IT) Utensile di fasatura KM 933 (GB) Timing adjustment wrench 1312 Q (FR) Outil de calage (DE) (NL) (ES) (PT) (PL) KM 927...
  • Página 5 Mode d’emploi – Il faut toujours se référer au manuel d’entretien du constructeur automobile ou à un manuel d’instructions approprié du constructeur. Avertissement – Le calage incorrect ou déphasé de la distribution d’un moteur aura pour résultat le dégât des soupapes. Il est toujours conseillé de tourner le moteur lentement, manuellement, et de contrôler à...
  • Página 6 Instructions for use – Always refer to the vehicle manufacturer’s service manual or a suitable proprietary instruction book. Warning – Incorrect or out of phase engine timing can result in damage to the valves. It is always recommended to turn the engine slowly, by hand, and to re-check the camshaft and crankshaft timing positions.
  • Página 7 Twin-Cam Locking Tools. These tools enable the camshafts to be locked in relationship to each other be- Fig.5 cause the pressure of the compressed valve springs can cause the position to change after the timing belt has been removed. Changing the timing belt is made easier by locking the camshafts in position and reduces the risk of damage. Damage will occur to the valves if they make contact with the piston after the correct timing position of the cam- shafts is lost.
  • Página 8 Flywheel Locking Tools. These tools are designed especially to enable the flywheel to be held static whilst releasing and re-tightening the pulley fastener, during timing belt replacement and engine timing activity. It is recommended that Crankshaft Timing Pins are not used for this purpose. Fig.8 Timing Belt Tensioner.
  • Página 9 Mode d’emploi – Il faut toujours se référer au manuel d’entretien du constructeur automobile ou à un manuel d’instructions approprié du constructeur. Avertissement – Le calage incorrect ou déphasé de la distribution d’un moteur aura pour résultat le dégât des soupapes. Il est toujours conseillé de tourner le moteur lentement, manuellement, et de contrôler à...
  • Página 10 Outils de blocage pour les moteurs à double arbre à cames en tête. Ces outils permettent de Fig.5 bloquer les arbres à cames l’un par rapport à l’autre parce que la pression des ressorts de soupape peut provoquer le changement de position après le démontage de la courroie de distribution. Le blocage des arbres à...
  • Página 11 Outils de blocage de volant moteur. These tools are designed especially to enable the flywheel to be held static whilst releasing and re-tightening the pulley fastener, during timing belt replacement and engine timing activity. It is recommended that Crankshaft Timing Pins are not used for this purpose. Fig.8 Timing Belt Tensioner.
  • Página 12 (IT) Istruzioni d'uso - Fare sempre riferimento al manuale di utilizzo del costruttore dell'automobile o ad un manuale di istruzioni Achtung – Falsche oder phasenverschobene Motorsteuerung kann die Ventile beschädigen. Es wird daher immer empfohlen, den Mo- tor langsam von Hand durchzudrehen und die Einstellungen der Nockenwelle sowie der Kurbelwelle neu zu kontrollieren. Fig.1 Steuerzeiten prüfen Für den Gebrauch bei Vauxhall/Opel (87-), 16DA/17D/17DR/17DTL Nockenwellen-Einstellwerkzeug...
  • Página 13 Doppelnocken-Sicherungswerkzeuge Mit diesen Werkzeugen können die Nockenwellen Fig.5 gegeneinander blockiert werden, da der Druck der gespannten Ventilfeder die Stellung verändern kann, nachdem der Zahnriemen entfernt wurde. Das Wechseln des Zahnriemens wird durch das Blockieren der Nockenwellen vereinfacht und verringert das Beschädigungsrisiko.
  • Página 14 Outils de blocage de volant moteur. These tools are designed especially to enable the flywheel to be held static whilst releasing and re-tightening the pulley fastener, during timing belt replacement and engine timing activity. It is recommended that Crankshaft Timing Pins are not used for this purpose. Fig.8 Timing Belt Tensioner.
  • Página 15 Mode d’emploi – Il faut toujours se référer au manuel d’entretien du constructeur automobile ou à un manuel d’instructions approprié du constructeur. Avertissement – Le calage incorrect ou déphasé de la distribution d’un moteur aura pour résultat le dégât des soupapes. Il est toujours conseillé de tourner le moteur lentement, manuellement, et de contrôler à...
  • Página 16 Twin-Cam Locking Tools. These tools enable the camshafts to be locked in relationship to each other be- Fig.5 cause the pressure of the compressed valve springs can cause the position to change after the timing belt has been removed. Changing the timing belt is made easier by locking the camshafts in position and reduces the risk of damage. Damage will occur to the valves if they make contact with the piston after the correct timing position of the cam- shafts is lost.
  • Página 17 Flywheel Locking Tools. These tools are designed especially to enable the flywheel to be held static whilst releasing and re-tightening the pulley fastener, during timing belt replacement and engine timing activity. It is recommended that Crankshaft Timing Pins are not used for this purpose. Fig.8 Timing Belt Tensioner.
  • Página 18 Instrucciones de uso – Referirse siempre al manual de servicio del fabricante del coche o a un libro adecuado de instrucciones propietarias. Advertencia – Los tiempos (poner a punto) incorrectos o fuera de fase pueden resultar en daño a las válvulas. Se recomienda girar siempre el motor lentamente, a mano, y rechequear las posiciones de tiempo (poner a punto) del eje de levas y cigüeñal.
  • Página 19 Twin-Cam Locking Tools. These tools enable the camshafts to be locked in relationship to each other be- Fig.5 cause the pressure of the compressed valve springs can cause the position to change after the timing belt has been removed. Changing the timing belt is made easier by locking the camshafts in position and reduces the risk of damage. Damage will occur to the valves if they make contact with the piston after the correct timing position of the cam- shafts is lost.
  • Página 20 Flywheel Locking Tools. These tools are designed especially to enable the flywheel to be held static whilst releasing and re-tightening the pulley fastener, during timing belt replacement and engine timing activity. It is recommended that Crankshaft Timing Pins are not used for this purpose. Fig.8 Timing Belt Tensioner.
  • Página 21 Instruções para uso: Veja sempre o manual de serviço dos fabricantes do veículo ou um livro adequado de instruções específicas. Aviso: A regulação incorrecta ou fora de fase de um motor pode resultar em danos nas válvulas. Recomendamos que gire sempre o motor lentamente, à mão, e verifique de novo as posições de regulação do eixo de transmissão e do eixo de manivela.
  • Página 22 Ferramentas de Travagem de Cames Gémeos Estas ferramentas permitem que os eixos transmissores Fig.5 possam ser travados em relação uns aos outros, porque a pressão das molas comprimidas das válvulas pode fazer com que a posição seja alterada quando o cinto de regulação for removido. A mudança do cinto de regulação é...
  • Página 23 Flywheel Locking Tools. These tools are designed especially to enable the flywheel to be held static whilst releasing and re-tightening the pulley fastener, during timing belt replacement and engine timing activity. It is recommended that Crankshaft Timing Pins are not used for this purpose. Fig.8 Timing Belt Tensioner.
  • Página 24 Utensilerie Associate S.r.l. - Via Volta, 3 - 21020 Monvalle (VA) Italia Tel. 0332/790111 - Telefax 0332/790602 e-mail: [email protected]...