Optional accessories
- Swivel plate cpl. P1-SP
- Chip breaker guard P1-SS (5x)
- Parallel guide fence P1-PA
- Guide rail F80, 800 mm [31.5 in] long
- Guide rail F110, 1100 mm [43.3 in] long
- Guide rail F160, 1600 mm [63 in] long
- Guide rail F210, 2100 mm [82.7 in] long
- Guide rail F310, 3100 mm [122 in] long
- Sliding bevel segment F-WA
- Guide rail accessories:
Screw clamp F-SZ100MM (2x)
Connecting piece F-VS
Rail bag F160
- Rail bag set F80/160, consisting of: F80 + F160 + connecting piece + 2
screw clamps + rail bag
- Rail bag set F80/160 with sliding bevel segment, consisting of: F80 + F160
+ connecting piece + sliding bevel segment + 2 screw clamps + rail bag
- Rail bag set F160/160, consisting of: 2 x F160 + connecting piece + 2 screw
clamps + rail bag
Jigsaw blades:
- Jigsaw blades W1, 2x for precise straight and curved cuts up to 64 mm
[2.52 in] in solid wood and chipboard / wood core plywood
- Jigsaw blades W2, 5x for rough straight and plunge cuts up to 64 mm
[2.52 in] in solid wood and chipboard / wood core plywood
- Jigsaw blades W3, 5x for rough straight cuts up to 114 mm [4.49 in] in
solid wood and chipboard / wood core plywood
- Jigsaw blades W4, 5x for rough curved and plunge cuts up to 64 mm
[2.52 in] in solid wood and chipboard / wood core plywood and coated /
veneered panels
- Jigsaw blades W5, 5x for clean straight and plunge cuts up to 79 mm
[3.11 in] in solid wood and chipboard / wood core plywood and coated /
veneered panels
- Jigsaw blades W6, 5x for fine/clean straight and plunge cuts up to 64 mm
[2.52 in] in solid wood and chipboard / wood core plywood and coated /
veneered panels, reverse interlocking
Order no. 205446
Order no. 205447
Order no. 205448
Order no. 204380
Order no. 204381
Order no. 204365
Order no. 204382
Order no. 204383
Order no. 205357
Order no. 205399
Order no. 204363
Order no. 204626
Order no. 204748
Order no. 204749
Order no. 204805
Order no. 093676
Order no. 093701
Order no. 093702
Order no. 093703
Order no. 093704
Order no. 093706