Unpacking, shipment and storing
Inspection during collection
During scale collection, please check packaging and scale for any potential outside and visible damages.
In situation of discovering any damages please contact by written your supplier.
The scale is packed and delivered on the pallet. The loading and unloading device from the truck should
be proceeded using correct equipment.
After the unloading remove safety labels, unpack and take off the device from the pallet. Delivered scale
is fully functional and calibrated. The scale does not required any further calibration.
Parcel contens
1) User Guide
2) Scale KPZ 71
3) Charge
Please do not throw away the packaging and pallet on which you have received the scale. In case of
further shipment please use original package.
Arrangement and usage requirements
To obtain the most accurate weighted value, the scale should set up only in places which pass the
following conditions:
Surface must be flat and vertical. Slope can not be bigger than 2.
Surface must be stable and not exposed for vibrations.
Do not expose for long effect of sun.
Do not use it in places where corrosion gases can be found.
Free of dust environment
Temperature environment from -10 C to 40C.
Average moistness of air from 40 to 70% ( Do not use near the atomizing humidifier!)
Do not use near other electronic devices, because it can course inference.
Do not use near the heating devices and outlet air-conditioning equipment, to not exposure the
device for big and quick temperature fluctuation.
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