Basic usage informations
Correct usage
Handpalett weighter KPZ should be used mainly for measurement reasons. As a non automatic
measurement device, is providing the values of weighted items. It can be used on the smooth and flat
surface. The goods are weighted on the pallet. Centre of gravity should be placed in the middle. After
reaching the stable weighting value the weight can be readed.
Incorrect usage
Load cells and scale can be damaged because of the influence of strong plunk, overloadings or point
overloading. It is not recommended to leave out constant the goods on the Handpallet. Please avoid
transporting the Handpallet with any goods on it or working under extreme conditions. Through load
capacity we understand equally placed weight not point overloading. The scale can not be used for any
dynamic weighting. Any sudden change on the scale example: fill or empty the liquid from the container
through filter compensation can give false value.
Any construction changes (extensions) are not aloud.
Not recognized subject of warranty:
Damage caused by not following the user guide
Damage cause by incorrect and excessive usage
Damage cause by repairs, or changes not authorized by K-PZ or ist dealer.
Mechanic breakdowns
Damage cause by dump and other conditions
Damages caused by usage of other than recommended equipment.
Warranty applies to only these elements which are used by normal development and recommended by
the manufacturer yearly inspection which shows its material and process foulness.
Basic safety guidelines
Following the guidelines
Please reed this user guide very carefully and follow the procedures saved in this document.
Handling and protection service should not be made by not properly prepared staff without authorization.
Scale should be handled by trainded staff.
Basic safety guadlines
- Make sure that device is in good technical condition.
- Do not use devise for transporting people or as a scooter.
- Avoid contact with dangerous elements of scale (load ,fork and lift mechanism)
- During work choosing arm should be placed in neutral position.
- Please keep safe distance from dangerous slopes edges, holes, loading ramp and platforms
- Please keep safe driving on unstable loading ramps and platforms. Collapse from loading ramp or
platform can cause serious injurious or even death.
- Any transported goods should be protected.
- Never overstep device capacity shown on the identification label.
- Ride up directly using both forks towards
- Avoid driving on slopes and holes. Appling safety handbrake is possible only through quick lower the
- When driving on slopes and holes, weight always should be faced slopes. It is not aloud driving
slantwise or turn round.
- Please follow capacity of loading ramps and lofts.
- During longer route the goods should be pulled, not pushed (it provides better visibility and improves
driving device!).
- Observe the height of goods in reference to height of doorways.
- Device should be placed on flat surface keeping the fork with thrill in upright position.
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