The heated mattress pad is equipped with a safety system that pre-
vents overheating by automatic disconnection.
After the turning
the pad on, the
controller correctly
configures heat
setting 1, but the
heated mattress
pad does not heat
up or does not
get hot enough.
The controller
does not turn on
when I move the
side On/Off switch.
After turning it on,
the control panel
does not config-
ure heat setting
1 correctly and
the heated mat-
tress pad does
not heat up.
The heated mattress pad can reach temperatures between 40º and
60º C on its highest setting. This data should serve as to guideline.
Monitoring is carried out in laboratories, according to the procedure
in the UNE-EN 60335-2-17 directive.
CalientaCamas-ALL.indb 14
If you do not feel the heat of the heated mat-
tress pad, cover it with a blanket, quilt or du-
vet, put the controller at the maximum po-
sition and wait 45 minutes. If this does not
work, contact our authorized technical ser-
vice center. Tests done with the heated mat-
tress pad uncovered or outdoors are not re-
liable because they can give erroneous heat
Make sure the power supply is working and
that the heated mattress pad is correctly
plugged in.
Check that the side On/Off switch is in the "I"
position. If the anomaly persists, please con-
tact our authorized technical service center.
The controller could have found an anomaly
in the start-up and blocked the heated mat-
tress pad's operation for safety purposes.
Turn the controller off and on again. If the
anomaly persists, please contact our autho-
rized technical service center.
15/03/10 17:06