Manufacturer/ Fabricante/ Fabricante:
Maruyama Mfg. Co., Inc.
4-15, Uchi-kanda 3-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0047, Japan
Name and address of the european authorized representative/
Nombre y dirección del representante autor izado europeo/
Nome e morada do representante europeu autorizado:
Obelis European Authorized Representative Center (O.E.A.R.C.)
Boulevard Général Wahis, 53, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium
Original Instruction/
Tel: +(32) 2. 732.59.54 Fax: +(32) 2.732.60.03
Instruccion Original/
Instrucao Original
P/N.241734-00 GB/ES/PT 1903 IN