H Ü R N E R S c h w e i s s t e c h n i k G m b H
Nieder-Ohmener Str. 26
35325 Mücke, Germany
code (see Display 2). Depending on what data is entered,
either its repeated input is mandatory (e. g., the welder
ID code; see Sect. 5.2) or previously entered data can be
changed and confirmed or confirmed without changes
(e. g. the commission number; see Sect. 6.2).
Certain traceability data can also be accessed quickly, via
a selection screen, by pressing the ï cursor key (see Dis-
play 7), either for viewing or for entering or changing/
confirming them.
6.2 Entering or Changing the Job Number
The commission number input screen is shown by the unit
before welding or accessed by the user in the quick access
screen (Display 7). It can be entered by pressing the ï, ð,
ñ, ò cursor keys or by reading it from a bar code using
the scanner. The maximum length is 32 characters. Confirm
your input by pressing the START/SET key. The job number
will be saved to memory and will appear in the downloaded
welding report.
Entering Welding Parameters Manually
To be able to enter the welding parameters manually, you
have first to connect the fitting to the welding unit with
the welding cable. The manual input of the parameters can
then be accessed by pressing the ò arrow key. The screen
will show a menu as reproduced in Display 9, provided
manual input is enabled in the configuration menu (see
Sect. 10.1). In other words, the manual parameter input
replaces reading the bar code of the fitting with a scanner.
Using the arrow keys ñ and ò you can select "Enter Volt-
age/Time" or "Enter Fitting Code" (i.e., the numbers that
represents the code of the fitting to be used). Confirm your
selection by pressing the START/SET key.
7.1 Manually Entering Welding Voltage and Time
If this option was chosen in the manual parameter input
menu, a display like the one to the right appears on the
screen. Use the ï, ð, ñ, ò cursor keys to set the welding
voltage and the welding time, according to the fitting
manufacturer's instructions, then press the START/SET key
to confirm your input. The "Start ?" message displayed
after the confirmation by START/SET indicates that the unit
is ready for welding.
Version September 2018
HÜRNER HST 300 Print 315 2.0 User's Manual
Enter Job No.
Display 8
>Enter Voltage/Time
Enter Fitting Code
Display 9
U= 40 V
1000 s
Display 10