Your pushchair requires regular care and mainte-
nance. We recommend that you have your pro-
duct serviced regularly, following the suggested
service intervals in order for you to take full ad-
vantage of and maintain the quality of the pro-
duct and to minimize the effects of wear and tear.
Always take your product to an authorised
Emmaljunga retailer to carry out the service.
After every service you will receive a report
covering what has been inspected and checked
together with a note stating the date on which
the service has been carried out.
Before the pram is sent from the factory it has
Chassis number
Delivery control
6 month service
Date, stamp
Customer name, signature
24 month service
Date, stamp
Customer name, signature
Service Documentation - NXT SELECT
undergone regular checks and testing. Another
check is completed before the product is given
to you to ensure that it fulfills all safety and qua-
lity requirements.
In addition to the regular service by your autho-
rised retailer it is very important that you also
check and maintain the product. You can find
out more about this under the care and mainte-
nance section in the product manual.
12 month service
36 month service
Date, stamp
Customer name, signature
Date, stamp
Customer name, signature