Lifting And Transport: Machine, Battery And Battery Charger; I N S T A L L A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N; Battery; Battery Preparation - Lavorwash FREE EVO Manual Del Usuario

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to ex tract it from the top of the packing) and the
optional battery.
After moving the machine aw ay from all the pa-
cking, start mounting the accessories and the
batteries as per the instructions provided in the
specific section.
K eep all the pieces of the packing since they might
be useful in the future to protect the machine and
the accessories during transport to another loca-
tion or to authorized service centers. If not, the
packing can be disposed in accordance w ith current
disposal law s.
4 . 4
L I F T I N G A N D T R A N S P O R T : M A C H I -
N E , B A T T E R Y A N D B A T T E R Y C H A R G E R
Never use a forklift truck to lift the machine.
There are no places on the frame that can be used
to lift the machine directly.
Before preparing the packing and transporting the
- Empty the recovery tank and the detergent so-
lution tank.
- Disassemble the squeegee and the brushes or
- Disconnect and remove the batteries.
Place the machine on the original pallet (or an
equivalent one that can bear the w eight and is big
enough for the machine's overall dimensions) using
an inclined surface.
Solidly anchor the machine and the squeegee to
the pallet using metallic brackets or other elements
that can bear the w eight of the parts.
Lift the pallet w ith the machine and load it on the
transport vehicle.
Secure the machine and the pallet using ropes con-
nected to the transport vehicle.
As an alternative, w hen using private transport
vehicles, use inclined ramps to push the machine
w ithout the pallet, making sure to protect all parts
and the machine itself against violent impacts, hu-
midity, vibrations and accidental movements during
The battery box es have holes w here tools can be
hooked for handling.
To lift or insert the battery (into the machine
compartment), use only suitable personnel and
equipment (cables, eyehooks, etc.) for the opera-
tion and to bear the w eight of the loads involved.
When transporting, take the same precautions and
the same instructions provided for the ma-
chine together w ith those in the special manufac-
turer's manual.
The battery charger can be transported on its sup-
ports, both vertically and horizontally. Take the
same precautions and follow the same instructions
provided for the machine together w ith those in the
special manufacturer's manual.
5 . I N S T A L L A T I O N
5 . 1
Regardless of the type of construction, battery
performances are indicated w ith the term capacity,
w hich alw ays refers to a discharge period. Another
important value is the number of possible dischar-
ges. The capacity is ex pressed in amps per hour
(Ah), w hile the discharge period is generally indi-
cated as 20 hours (C20 or 20h, or not ex pressly
indicated) or 5 hours (C5 or 5h). The discharge/
charge cycles indicate the number of times that
the battery can hold a charge under the best con-
ditions, i.e. they indicate the useful battery service
life complying w ith all the necessary measures.
Therefore, the capacity of a battery varies depen-
ding on how
fast it uses energy (current). That's
w hy there's such a variation in the capacity values
ex pressed as C5 or C20. These factors must be
taken into account w hen comparing products avai-
lable on the market w ith our ow n.
This machine can be equipped w ith tw o types of
batteries that differ in terms of their construction
and features.
- Pb-Acid battery w ith tubular armored modules:
the electrolyte level in each element must be pe-
riodically checked!
I f o n e e l e m e n t i s n o l o n g e r c o v e r e d b y t h e
a c i d s o l u t i o n i t w i l l o x i d i z e i n 24 h o u r s , t h u s
p e r m a n e n t l y a f f e c t i n g t h a t e l e m e n t ' s p e r f o r -
m a n c e .
Refer to the battery manual to avoid physical
damage and economic loss.
- Gel module battery: this type of battery is main-
tenance free and does not require special envi-
ronments for recharging (since it does not emit
any harmful gases); therefore, it is highly recom-
It should not be taken for granted that batte-
ries and battery chargers w ith the same technical
features as those w e offer w ill produce the same
results. Only perfect compatibility betw een these
elements (Pb-Acid batteries, gel batteries and bat-
tery chargers) w ill safeguard the performances,
the service life, the safety and the economic value
5 . 1 . 2
The technical features of the batteries used
must match those indicated in the technical featu-
res section. Using different batteries may cause se-
rious damage to the machine or may require them
to be charged more frequently.
During installation or w hen performing any
type of battery maintenance, the operator must
be equipped w ith adequate safety accessories to
prevent accidents. Work far from open flames, do
not short-circuit the battery poles, do not generate
sparks and do not smoke.
The batteries are normally supplied full of acid so-
lution (for the Pb-Acid type) and ready for use. In
any case, follow
the steps indicated in the manual
supplied w ith the battery and carefully follow
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A5 evo

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