With this menu you can heat 190 g puree.
Confirm your selection with Start.
Cooking time: 45 seconds.
15.7.3 Menu (3) Pasta
With this menu you can heat 500 g pasta.
Menus Frozen food
The menus for frozen food work with a combination of 55 % microwave and 45 %
15.8.1 Menu (1) Pizza
Cooking time: 12 minutes.
15.8.2 Menu (2) American Pizza
caso MLG 23 Touch black
Menu (2) Puree
Confirm your selection with Start.
Cooking time: 2 minutes.
With this menu you can bake 335g frozen pizza.
Confirm your selection with Start.
With this menu you can bake 460g American-frozen pizza.
Confirm your selection with Start.
Cooking time: 14 minutes.