check here first
If your phone does not seem to work properly, look here first.
If you still need help, see "service and repairs" on page 52.
changing the time on the phone's clock
Question: My phone's clock is incorrect during normal use.
How can I change it?
Answer: The phone's system clock is reset whenever you
remove the battery. This will cause the clock to display the
incorrect time the next time you turn on the phone's power.
Whenever you replace the battery and turn on the phone's
power, be sure to enter the correct time and date:
Find it: Press M > Settings > Initial Setup > Time and Date
using the Send/End key on the headset
Question: When I use the headset with my phone, nothing
happens when I press the Send/End key on the headset.
Answer: The phone does not support the Send/End key
function on the headset.