Primary function
This function is used to activate or deactivate the backlight.
Secondary function ALARM
Activation/deactivation of the ALARM function. The corresponding symbol is displayed when activated.
If this function is active and the limit programmed in the SET-UP menu is exceeded or fallen below during
the measurement, the ALARM symbol will fl ash and the buzzer (if activated) will sound continuously.
It is possible to program a different limit for each test voltage, the limits will be stored even if the
instrument is switched off.
Primary function
Used to select a parameter for modifi cation – the active parameter fl ashes.
It may be modifi ed using the
Secondary function SMOOTH
Used to activate a digital fi lter for insulation measurements. It affects only the display (which is smoothed)
and not the measurements.
This function is useful in case of high instability of the displayed insulation values, caused by a strong
capacitive component of the part to be tested, for example. The time constant for this fi lter is approximately
20 seconds.
This function is used to modify the fl ashing parameters displayed, or to consult the R(t) values (see § 4.3).
In general, two fi gures (day, month, hour, min., sec., OBJ:TEST) fl ash.
functions have a "wraparound" mode: when the upper or lower modifi cation limit is
reached, the parameter to be modifi ed automatically jumps to the other limit. .
Primary function
: A brief press increments the displayed number by one unit.
A longer pressure on this key will cause fast incrementation.
Secondary function
A long press, will cause rapid decrementation.
Contrary to all the secondary functions of the other keys, it is not necessary in this case to press
the 2nd key each time to access the function
valid (for the function
again or another key.
key (see § 4.6).
: A brief press decrements the displayed number by one unit.
. The
only) as long as the user does not deactivate it by pressing the 2nd key
symbol remains displayed and therefore