This function, located on the rotary switch, is used to change the confi guration of the device by accessing
directly the parameters to be modifi ed.
After turning the rotary switch to the SET-UP position:
all the segments of the display are activated for 1 second,
the number of the software version is displayed
the serial number of the device is displayed
PUSH then appears on the small display and btn on the main display, to prompt you to press
a key.
The SET-UP function is then used to access directly the parameters to be modifi ed, by pressing
the corresponding key:
After pressing a key, the fi gures or symbols corresponding to the function selected appear
on the screen.
The modifi able fi gures or symbols will fl ash. The normal modifi cation procedure using the
keys must be used.
All the parameters are recorded immediately and permanently.
The table on the following page defi nes the active keys in the SET-UP function and the corresponding
display, with the possible adjustment ranges.