Operation - mA measurements
DPI 812 only. To measure a current:
1. Connect the instrument (Figure 5) and, if necessary,
adjust the Set Up (Table 1).
2. Select the applicable mA input task from Select Task
(Table 2/3) and, if necessary, adjust the Settings
(Table 4).
Maximum: 30V
a) with external loop
Figure 5: Example configuration - mA measurement
Operation - Switch test
DPI 812 only. To do tests on an RTD switch:
1. Connect the instrument (Figure 6) and, if necessary,
adjust the Set Up (Table 1).
2. Select the applicable switch test from Select Task
(Table 2/3) and, if necessary, adjust the Settings
(Table 5). The display shows the switch condition (open
or closed) in the top right-hand corner.
3. Supply the output values to the system (Table 7).
• Example - "Nudge" output.
a. Use Edit (■ ■) to set a value less than the switch
b. Use the ▲ ▼ buttons to change the value in small
- [EN] English
b) with internal loop
• Example - "Ramp" output.
a. Set "High" and "Low" values that are applicable to
the switch value (Table 6). Then, to get an accurate
switch value, set a long "Travel" period.
b. Use Start/Stop (■ ■) to start and stop the "Ramp"
4. If necessary, supply the output values in the opposite
direction until the switch changes condition again.
The display shows the applicable values to open and
close the switch.
5. To do the test again, press ESC to reset the values.
Figure 6: Example configuration - Switch test
a) Temperature
b) Resistance
K345 Issue 4