.P. SELECTA s.a.
1 Safety
The equipment includes the appropriate safety features.
Risk situations that must be respected are indicated in this manual.
1.1 Safety icons
They identify risky situations and safety measures that should be taken.
The icons make reference to the paragraph marked with a grey line.
Danger risk
It indicates danger risk.
Please, respect the indicated instructions to carry out the described operation.
Electrical risk
It indicates risk of electric shock when accessing zones shown by this icon or when
taking actions indicated in this manual with this icon.
Please, respect the indicated instructions to carry out the described operation.
Burn risk due to high temperature areas contact
The temperature in the area indicated by this icon could exceed 60ºC. Please use
the thermal protective gloves to carry out the described operation.
Please, respect the indicated instructions to carry out the described operation.
Important information
Important information to obtain good results or an optimum equipment perfor-
Important information to extend the equipment life or to avoid degradation of
some of its components.
1.2 Risks to which the operator is subjected to
Possibility of touching hot parts over 60ºC.
Possibility of steam exposure.
Electrical risk.
1.3 Qualifi ed users
This equipment can only be used by qualifi ed staff.
This equipment can only be used by users who have read and understood these
instructions or those who have been qualifi ed for the use of this equipment.
Ctra. NII Km 585.1 Abrera 08630 (Barcelona) España
Junio 2012
(Sujetas a modifi caciones sin previo aviso)
Tel (34) 93 770 08 77 Fax (34) 93 770 23 62
Pag.: 14