.P. SELECTA s.a.
June 2012
4 Contents List
4.1 Standard contents
The standard contents consists of the following items:
Heater element cover
Lid gasket
Inox basket 21.5Øx16cm
Instructions manual
5 Introduction
Micro 8 autoclaves are equipments suitable for a wide range of applications in several
fi elds: health-care, industrial processes and quality control. These autoclaves allow
solids without packaging sterilization processes and also of liquids and culture media.
5.1 Sterilization
Sterilization is the destruction or elimination of all forms of microbial life, including
spores, which are present in inanimate objects.
5.2 Disinfection
Disinfection is the process of destruction of infectious agents. It is normally made at
a lower temperature than sterilization. Disinfection only achieves the elimination of
some vegetable forms.
5.3 Culture media
Culture media is a nutritional material in which microorganisms can be recovered,
multiplied and isolated, as well as used in susceptibility tests. They are generally
offered as fi ne or granular dry powder but also can be offered hydrated and prepared.
They must not be used before being sterilized.
5.4 Purge (extracting the vessel air)
Purge is the cycle used to eliminate the air inside the vessel to achieve saturated
steam vapour.
5.5 Saturated vapour
It is water vapour at a certain temperature corresponding to the boiling point of the
original liquid.
5.6 Atmospheric purge
In the atmospheric purge, the air is expelled by vapour in a gravimetrical way for a
determined period of time.
5.7 Recommendations for a perfect sterilization
The material to be sterilized must be perfectly clean, free from residues. It is
recommended to clean it with a good detergent and distilled water. Rinse later with
plenty of water.
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