place. Test the locking mechanism to ensure no movement when elevated or
e. Read and understand all warnings in this manual and on the device itself prior to
use for patient.
f. Device function should be checked prior to each usage.
g. This device should only be operated by medically trained personnel.
h. The patient's toes may extend beyond the end of the stirrup boot.
The product must be used with compatible clamps.
Check for patient contact pressure points and consult the physician before use.
k. Ensure the patient's legs are secure in the boot prior to making adjustments.
Use only approved padding.
a. Do not raise the thigh closer to torso than 90º as patient may experience nerve
b. To prevent patient and/or user injury and/or equipment damage: all
modifications, upgrades, or repairs must be performed by an Allen authorized
specialist. Failure to comply may void the warranty.
c. Do not exceed safe working load shown in the product specification table.
4.2 Product Specifications:
Mechanical Specifications
Product Dimensions
Safe Working Load on the device
Overall Weight of Complete Device
Storage Specifications
Storage temperature
Storage Relative humidity range
Operating temperature
Operating Relative humidity range
Electrical Specifications
Not Applicable.
Document Number: 80028301
Version: B
35.8" X 18.1" X11.8" (90.8cm x 46cm x 30cm)
Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Alloy Steel,
Engineering Polymers, Bronze
350 lbs. (159 kg)
16.5 lbs. Each (7.4 kg)
33 lbs. Per Set (14.9 kg)
-29ᵒ C to +60ᵒ C
15% to 85%
This device is intended to be used in a
controlled Operating Room environment.
Not Applicable.
Page 16
Issue Date: 18 MAR 2020
Ref Blank Template: 80025118 Ver. E