Fasteners break.
Fasteners bend.
Fasteners do not hold in steel
base material.
The content of the gas can is
inadequate for the number of
fasteners in the package.
The fastener guide hasn't
fully extended after driving
a fastener.
Fastener driving failure rate is
too high.
No fastener is driven.
Printed: 11.09.2017 | Doc-Nr: PUB / 5336064 / 000 / 02
Possible cause
The fastener guide is not held per-
pendicular to the working surface.
Driving power is too low.
The fasteners are too long.
The fastener guide is not held per-
pendicular to the working surface.
The supporting material is too thin.
High gas consumption due to fre-
quent compression of the tool
nosepiece without driving a fas-
A fastener has jammed in the fas-
tener guide.
The fastener guide is not held per-
pendicular to the working surface.
Wrong type of fastener used.
The supporting material is too
The nail pusher was not moved
Action to be taken
▶ Press the nose of the fastening
tool against the working surface,
keeping the fastener guide
perpendicular to the surface
(see "Driving nails" → page 20).
▶ Move the fastener driving depth
adjustment slider to the +
▶ Use shorter fasteners.
▶ On an even surface use the
support leg and ensure correct
contact with the surface (see
"Support leg" → page 18).
▶ Press the nose of the fastening
tool against the working surface,
keeping the fastener guide
perpendicular to the surface
(see "Driving nails" → page 20).
▶ Use a different fastening
▶ Avoid compressing the tool
nosepiece without driving a
▶ Remove the fastener guide
→ page 22.
▶ Release the jammed fastener.
▶ Clean the fastener guide.
▶ Remove foreign matter from the
area of the fastener guide.
▶ On an even surface use the
support leg and ensure correct
contact with the surface (see
"Support leg" → page 18).
▶ Press the nose of the fastening
tool against the working surface,
keeping the fastener guide
perpendicular to the surface
(see "Driving nails" → page 20).
▶ Use a suitable type of fastener.
▶ Consider using a DX fastening
▶ Release the nail pusher and
guide it forward as far as it will