3 609 929 724/1.2 | SMpdp
4 Mounting Instruction
Qualified personnel are
– project personnel, familiar with the safety
regulations of automation systems and
electrical engineering,
– operators, instructed in the use of the
equipment and having knowledge of the
relevant parts of this documentation refer-
ring to operation,
– commissioning personnel authorized to
set electric circuits and machines/sys-
tems into operation, earth and mark them,
in accordance with the regulations of se-
curity technology.
Repairs and replacement of parts carried out
by the user take place on his own responsibi-
lity. After repair or replacement of parts, all
prescribed functional and safety checks must
be carried out
Electric Drives and Controls | Bosch Rexroth AG 9/32
Mounting Instruction
The module is inserted into the system com-
ponent KE300.
A maximum of 1 SMpdp Interface Module
can be used in a single tightening system
and, therefore, in a KE300.
3 Min
Please take care that the interface module is
completely inserted.
The front knurled bolts must be tightened.
Please take care that the front blind fits close-
ly to BT300.
The module's power supply ensues directly
via the control unit. Only the data interface is
accessable from the exterior.
Figure 1: SUB-D-plug, 9pin
The following table describes the connection
plan of the SUB-D-bushing.
Before inserting the
Rexroth interface mod-
ules, the BT 300 card
rack must have been
voltage-free for at least
3 min.