ton for 2 seconds, if the screen displays SETTING SCREEN 1 press M
button for 2 seconds again.
( ee fig. 55)
• Do not change the battery voltage value and fine adjustment battery
• Don t exit SETTING SCREEN 1 by s itching o the battery.
• If the battery is fully charged and the screen display shows the fol-
lo ing hen s itching on, you must follo steps , and 6.
– 42 –
Your HANDBIKE BATEC ELECTRIC has been carefully designed for op-
timal performance, but it is important that you carry out certain pre-
ventative maintenance tas s in line ith the use you give your HAND-
BIKE BATEC ELECTRIC. This ill greatly reduce the chance of problems
and increase the lifespan of your HANDBIKE BATEC ELECTRIC.
In order to minimise the ris of accidents and/or damage to your
HANDBIKE BATEC ELECTRIC, it is very important to have all repairs car-
( ee fig. 56)
ried out by an authorised BATEC MOBILITY distributor.
Remember that your main source of information and help is the dis-
tributor that delivered your HANDBIKE BATEC ELECTRIC, who can also
respond to any questions regarding adjustments, maintenance and
the warranty.
As you are a member of the BATEC MOBILITY Family , e encourage
you to stay in touch with your BATEC HANBDIKE representative in or-
der to ma e the most of the product.
e propose the follo preventative maintenance plan schedule:
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