Datos Técnicos; V Alor E S Nom Inale S; Tech Nical Data; Rated Values - DRIESCHER-WEGBERG MINEX Instructivo De Operación Y M Ontaje

Celdas de mediatensión
Tabla de contenido
Datos técnicos

V alor e s nom inale s

Voltaje Nominal
T ens ión A p lic ad a 1 min. en s ec o
T ens ión d e Im p uls o
C o rriente N o m inal
M o d ulo d e C ab le
C o rriente M áx im a
M o d ulo d e T rans fo rm ad o r
C o rriente d e co rta d uracio n
C o rriente P ico co rto circuito
M o d ulo d e C ab le
C o rriente P ico co rto circuito
M o d ulo d e T rans fo rm ad o r
C o rriente M ax . cierre co n falla
C urriente M ax . d e interrup cio n
C o rriente d e interrup cio n en anillo
C o rriente cap acitiv a en cab le
C o rriente d e interrup cio n
en lineas aereas
A p ertura co n falla
a tierra
C o rriente d e Interrup cio n
p ara trans fo rm ad o res s in carg a
C las ificación A rco Interno
C las ificación d e la C eld a
C o rriente T rans ito ria d e acuerd o a
IEC 62271-105
V elo cid ad d e actuacio n p erno p ercuto r
R ang o d e tem p . d e o p eración
* tem p eraturas am b ientes > 40° C co ns id erar facto res d e red uccio n
** en co nex ión s o lid a,utiliz and o fus ib les lim itad o res d e co rriente, la
co rriente no m inal d ep end e d e el fus ib le ins talad o .
*** C ap acid ad interrup tiv a d el fus ib le
T ec h n ic a l D a ta
Ra ted va lu es
12 kV
17,5 kV
28/32 kV
38/45 kV
75/85 kV 95/110 kV 125/145 kV
50/60 Hz
630 A
200 A **
25 kA
20 kA
63 kA
50 kA
50kA ***
63 kA
50 kA
630 A
630 A
25 A
300 A
IAC AF L 20kA 1s
IAC AF L R 20kA 1s
K lasse E3 / class E3
- 25° C - + 60° C*
* at ambient temperatures > 40° C take care of the reduction factors
** with solid link, in use with HRC-fuses the rated current depends on the
installed fuse type
*** max imum cut-off current of the HRC-fuse
M IN EX / G .I.S .E.L .A
24 kV
Rated power frequency withstand
Rated lightning impulse withstand
Rated current for cable cubicle
Rated current for transformer cubicle
20 kA
Rated short-time current
Rated short-circuit peak withstand
50 kA
current for cable cubicle
Rated short-circuit peak withstand
current for transformer cubicle
40 kA
Rated short-circuit making current
Rated mainly active load breaking
Rated closed loop breaking current
Rated cable charging breaking current
Rated line charging breaking current
Rated breaking current under
graund fault condition
Rated no-load transformer breaking
Internal Arc Classification
Classification of the switching capacitiy
Rated transient current according to
Tripping time at striker pin actuation
Admissible ambient temperatures
Rated voltage
Rated frequency
IEC 62271-105
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